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Wednesday, October 3rd 2012
16.30 – 18.30 Poster session I
Simulation and Modeling I
P1-01 |
A universal model for single-electron device simulation. I.I. Abramov, A.L. Baranoff, I.A. Romanova, I.Y. Shcherbakova. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus . |
P1-02 |
Monte Carlo simulation of charge carrier transport in deep submicron Si MOSFET . A.V. Borzdov1, V.M. Borzdov1, D.V. Pozdnyakov1, D.S. Speransky1, V.V. V’yurkov 2, A.A. Orlikovsky2 . 1. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-03 |
Thermal simulating of thin-film SOI MOSFET . Yu. Chaplygin, А . Krasukov, E. Artamonova . National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) Moscow, Russia . |
P1-04 |
Ultimate sub-threshold slope of Schottky barrier field-effect transistors. Ye. Chaplygin, D. Svintsov, V. Vyurkov, A. Orlikovsky. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-05 |
Transient processes in the resonant tunneling diode, taking into account the electron-electron interaction . V. Elesin1, I. Kateyev2, A. Sukochev1 . 1. National Research Nuclear University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-06 |
Effect of emitter spacer level of resonant tunneling diode on I-V curves. V. Elesin, M. Remnev . National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-07 |
Gold nanoparticle single-electron transistor simulation . Y.S. Gerasimov, V.V. Shorokhov, E.S. Soldatov, O.V. Snigirev . Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-08 |
TCAD analysis of self heating effects in bulk silicon and SOI n-MOSFETs . K. Petrosyants1, E. Orekhov2, I. Kharitonov1, D. Popov1 . 1. Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University), Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics, RAS, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-09 |
Terahertz oscillations from nanowires . A. Pilgun1, V. Vyurkov1, L. Fedichkin1,2, V. Borzdov3, A. Orlikovsky1 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Computer company NIX, Moscow, Russia. 3. Belarusian State University, Mink, Belarusia . |
P1-10 |
Modeling low-volt nanometer merged MOS devices. V. Rakitin. Scientihic Research Institute of Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-11 |
Nonlinear model of an LDMOS transistor for an RF power amplifier with output power 30 Watt in the frequency range 1.20 — 1.32 GHz. E.M. Savchenko1,2, A.S. Budyakov1,3, A.D. Pershin1,2, S.M. Romanovsky1 . 1. FSUE “S&PE “Pulsar”, Moscow , Russia. 2. MSTU MIREA, Moscow. 3. N.E. Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-12 |
Modeling of the silicon complementary bipolar technology process with germanium implantation. E.M. Savchenko1,2, D.G. Drozdov1. 1. FSUE “S&PE “Pulsar”, Moscow, Russia. 2. MSTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-13 |
Tunnel graphene field-effect transistor . D. Svintsov1, V. Vyurkov1, A. Burenkov2, R. Oechsner2, V. Lukichev1, A. Orlikovsky1 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology, Erlangen, Germany . |
P1-14 |
Numerical model of parallel nano-FET on Coulomb blockade in M55 «magic» crystals . V.A. Zhukov1, V.G. Maslov2, N.T. Bagraev3 . 1. St. Petersburg Institute of Information Science and Automation, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2. St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics , St. Petersburg, Russia, 3. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia . |
P1-15 |
A model to describe the hump-like feature observed in the accumulation branch of CV-characteristics of MOS capacitors with oxide-hosted Si nanoparticles. V. Stuchinsky, G. Kamaev, M. Efremov, S. Arzhannikova. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
P1-16 |
MCT photodiodes spectral response. K.O. Boltar1,2, A.V. Nikonov1,2, N.I. Iakovleva1. 1. State Scientific Center of Russian Federation “RD&P Center ORION”, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-17 |
Numerical calculations of the concentration profile for InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with δ-doping layers . S.V. Khazanova, V.E. Degtyarev. Lobachevskiy Nizhnii Novgorod University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia . |
Magnetic Micro- and Nanostructures
P1-18 |
Changing of magnetic properties in magneto-photonic crystals by light influence . D.E. Afanas’eva1, A.N. Kuprianov2, A.V. Paporkov1, A.V. Prokaznikov1,2 . 1. Yaroslavl State University, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia . |
P1-19 |
Comparative study of ultrathin Co films grown by ion-plasma and magnetron sputtering. V.F. Bochkarev1, O.S. Trushin1, V.V. Naumov1, S.V. Vasiliev2, and V.A. Paporkov 2 . 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P1-20 |
Fabrication of epitaxial tunnel magnetic junctions Fe/MgO/Fe(001) using pulse laser deposition . A. Chernikh, V. Vinnechenko, L. Fomin, I. Malikov, and G. Mikhailov . Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
P1-21 |
Experimental observation and simulation of a spin-polarized current effect on magnetic structure of epitaxial Fe (001) quadratic microstructures . L.A. Fomin, I.V. Malikov, K.M. Kalach, S.V. Pyatkin, G.M. Mikhailov . Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
P1-22 |
Size and magnetic anisotropy effect of micromagnetic states in rectangular epitaxial Fe (011) microstructures . L.A. Fomin, I.V. Malikov, S.V. Pyatkin, G.M. Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
P1-23 |
Epitaxial film growth for Fe3O4/MgO/Fe (001) tunnel magnetic junctions fabrication . I.V. Malikov, V.Yu. Vinnichenko, L.A. Fomin, G.M. Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Technologies
P1-24 |
Development technology of creation sensor nanomaterials based on ZnO . O.A. Ageev, E.G Zamburg, Z.E. Vakulov, A.V. Shumov, D.E. Vakulov, M.N. Ivonin, V.V. Ptashnik . Taganrog Institute of Technology, Sothern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia . |
P1-25 |
Specificity of the synthesis of carbon nanotubes using the combined catalyst . S. Basaev, V.A. Galperin, A.A. Pavlov, Yu.P. Shaman, A.A. Shamanaev. Scientific-Manufacturing Complex “Technological Centre”, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-26 |
Method of fabricating nanopores in silicon wafer via P+ and O2+ co-implantation and non-isothermal annealing. Yu.I. Denisenko. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P1-27 |
Investigation of dependence of morphology and fractal characteristics of porous silicon on anodizing conditions. D. Gaev1, A. Boyko2, S. Timoshenkov2. 1. Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Nalchik, Russia. 2. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-28 |
The study of water s uspensions of nanomaterials containing c arbon nanotubes . L.P. Ichkitidze 1 , S.V. Selishchev1, E.V. Blagov2, V.A. Galperin3, Y.P. Shaman3, L.V. Tabulina 4, B.G. Shulitski4 . 1. National Research University of Electronic Technology “MIET” , MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 3. Scientific-Manufacturing Complex «Technological Centre”, MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia. 4. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus . |
P1-29 |
Features of nanostructures formed in solid substrates . E. Il’ichev, A. Kozlitin, D. Migunov, O. Sakharov, A. Trifonov, G. Petruchin, G. Richkov . Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems named after F.V. Lukin, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-30 |
Carbon nanotubes-silicon composite material as anode structure in lithium batteries . E.P. Kitsyuk1, V.A. Galperin1, Y.P. Shaman1, D.G. Gromov2, A.M. Skundin3, E.K. Tuseeva3 . 1. Scientific-M anufacturing Complex «Technological Centre”, Moscow, Russia. 2. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia. 3. A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-31 |
Formation of nanoelectrodes for high temperature single-electron sensors . A. Parshintsev , E. Soldatov . Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-32 |
Research of resolution of masking layers of the molybdenum structured on technologies of laser thermochemical record . S. Poletaev1,2, O. Moiseev2 . 1. S.P. Korolyov Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University), Samara, Russia. 2. Image Processing Systems Institute, RAS, Samara, Russia . |
P1-33 |
Formation of CNT ordered array, as source of electrons. A. Shuliatyev , D. Gromov, A. Zaycev, A. Shamanaev . National Research University of Electronic Technology, Zelenograd, Russia . |
P1-34 |
Fabrication of integrated electrodes of molecular transistor electrodes by lithographic techniques and electromigration. A.S. Stepanov 1 , E.S. Soldatov2, O.V. Snigirev2 . 1. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Department of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-35 |
Narrowing of nanogaps for purpose of molecular single-electronics. I.V. Sapkov, E.S. Soldatov . Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Russia. |
P1-36 |
Electron Multiplier on Diamond-Coated Silicon Membrane . E.A. Il’ichev, A.E. Kuleshov, N.K. Metveeva, G.N. Petrukhin, R.M. Nabiev, G.S. Rychkov. F.V. Lukin State Research Institute of Physical Problems, Zelenograd, Russia. |
Device Structures I
P1-37 |
Mechanism of sensitivity of a three-collector magnetotransistor . V.V. Amelichev, A.A. Cheremisinov, S.A. Polomoshnov, R.D. Tikhonov. SMC “Technological Centre” MIET. |
P1-38 |
The observation of conduction quantization of metallic nanojunctions at normal conditions . L. Fedichkin1,2,3, A. Borisov2, M. Chernyshev2, V. Rubaev2. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 3. NIX, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-39 |
The novel THz generation and detection possibilities of resonant-tunneling based semiconductor multiple-quantum well nanostructures . A.L. Karuzskii, V.V. Kapaev, V.N. Murzin, Yu.A. Mityagin, S.A. Savinov, A.V. Perestoronin, A.M. Tshovrebov, N.A. Volchkov, I.P. Kazakov, V.I. Egorkin, S.S. Shmelev . P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
P1-40 |
Suspended silicon single-electron transistor . V. Krupenin1, D. Presnov1,2, S. Amitonov1, K. Rudenko3, V. Rudakov3 . 1. Laboratory of Cryoelectronics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-41 |
Optimization of topological parameters of triode with cold cathode based on ordered array of (9, 9) carbon nanotubes with open ends .D.V. Pozdnyakov1, A.V. Borzdov1, V.M. Borzdov1, V.A. Labunov2.1. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. 2. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus. |
P1-42 |
Experimental and theoretical study of nanowire FET based on SOI . I.I. Soloviev1, I.A. Devyatov 1, P.A. Krutitskiy2, S.V. Amitonov3, D.E. Presnov 3, V.A. Krupenin3 . 1. D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. M.V. Keldish Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia 3. Physics Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-43 |
Instability-driven terahertz emission and injection locking behavior in an asymmetric dual-grating-gate HEMT with a vertical cavity structure . T. Watanabe, T. Fukushima, Y. Kurita, A. Satou, T. Otsuji. Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. |
Plasma Processing
P1-44 |
Formation of 3D high aspect ratio micro- and nanostructures in Si by plasma etching and thermal oxidation. I. Amirov1, V. Lukichev2, M. Izyumov1, E. Zhikharev2, V. Kal’nov2. 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology , RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-45 |
Kinetic characteristics of electron impact processes in BCl3. A. Efremov, V. Plotnokov, V. Svettsov. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Ivanovo, Russia . |
P1-46 |
Plasma emission spectra in CCl2F2/Ar gas mixture . D.B. Murin, V.I. Svettsov, A.M. Efremov, A.E. Leventsov. Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo, Russia . |
P1-47 |
Poly- and nanocrystalline silicon films formed by PECVD for micro- and nanodevices. E. Gusev, R. Velichko. Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia . |
P1-48 |
Etching characteristics and mechanisms of Mo and Al2O3 thin films in inductively coupled Cl2/O 2/Ar plasmas. K.-H. Kwon1, K. Kim1, Y.-H. Ham1, A. Efremov2. 1. Korea University; Sogamg University. 2. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Russia . |
P1-49 |
Instrumented wafer as a Langmuir multiprobe tool for lateral plasma homogeneity measurements in processing plasma reactors . A. Miakonkikh, S. Lisovsky, M. Rudenko, K. Rudenko . Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-50 |
Method of saturable absorber fabrication by PECVD of carbon nanostructures on optical fibers . A.E. Mironov, S.V. Dubkov, D.G. Gromov. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-51 |
Plasma molding in deep silicon reactive ion etching. O. Morozov. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P1-52 |
Investigation of plasma etching of Si and SiO2 through electron resist ZEP-7000. Yu. Shikolenko1, A. Antonovich1, D. Lapin1, V. Lukichev1,2. 1. MSTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
Micro- and Nanostructures Characterization
P1-53 |
Determination of alloy composition in GexSi1-x/SiO2/Si microstructures . B.Ya. Ber, E.I. Belyakova, D.Yu. Kazanzev, L.S. Kostina, A.N.Smirnov, N.M. Shmidt . Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, RAS, Petersburg, Russia . |
P1-54 |
Monitoring of resonant-tunneling diode growth by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy. I.P. Kazakov. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-55 |
Quality control of SOS structures by means of surface photovoltage. S.V. Kozlov, V.M. Maslovsky. The company OJSC «Angstrem», Zelenograd, Russia . |
P1-56 |
Effective probe for scanning electron microscope . Yu.V. Larionov, Yu.A. Novikov. A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
P1-57 |
Distortion of relief profile of a test object with nanometer sizes due to contamination in SEM. Yu.V. Larionov, Yu.A. Novikov . A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
P1-58 |
An improved detection of the locally doped semiconductor regions with the scanning electron microscope . N.A. Orlikovsky1, E.I. Rau2, A.M. Tagachenkov3, I.P. Vasyuk4. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow State University Physical Department, Moscow, Russia. 3. Institute of Nanotechnology and Microelectronics RAS, Moscow, Russia. 4. Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine . |
P1-59 |
The development of method for measuring of current density distribution in micro- and nanosystems. I. Rudnev, A. Podlivaev, S. Pokrovskiy, A. Menushenkov. National Nuclear Research University, «MEPHI», Moscow, Russia . |
P1-60 |
Determination of the content in AlxGa1-xAs alloys by secondary ion mass spectrometry . V.V. Saraykin1, I.S. Vasil’evskii2, A.N. Vinichenko2, K.D. Scherbachev3 . 1. Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems named after F.V.Lukin, Moscow, Russia. 2. National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russia. 3. National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», «Material science and Metallurgy» Center, Moscow, Russia . |
P1-61 |
Atomic force microscopy for line edge roughness measurements . A. Sosnina, A. Miakonkikh, A. Rogozhin . Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
Thursday, October 4th 2012
16.45 – 18.30 Poster session II
Superconducting Structures and Devices
P2-01 |
Josephson φ-device based on complex nanostructures with normal metal/ferromagnet bilayer . S.V. Bakurskiy1,2, N.V. Klenov1, T.Yu. Karminskaya2, A.A. Golubov3, M.Yu. Kupriyanov 2 . 1. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands . |
P2-02 |
Macroscopic quantum effects in transmission of signals along the superconducting microwave slotline. Towards quantum transmission lines . M.A. Dresvyannikov, A.L. Karuzskii, A.V. Perestoronin, A.M. Tshovrebov, N.A. Volchkov, L.N. Zherikhina. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
P2-03 |
Manifestation of long-range triplet superconducting correlations in F1-SF1F2-F1 structures. T. Karminskaya1, M. Kupriyanov1, A. Golubov2. 1. MSU, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of nanotechnology, University of Twente, Netherlands . |
P2-04 |
Jitter in ballistic read-out circuit based on Josephson transmission line. I.I. Soloviev 1,2 , N.V. Klenov1,3, A.L. Pankratov1, E.V. Il’ichev4, L.S. Kuzmin1,5 . 1. Laboratory of Cryogenic Nanoelectronics, NNSTU, Russia. 2. D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Physics Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 4. Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany 5. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden . |
P2-05 |
Noise in bi-SQUID. I. Soloviev 1 , N. Klenov2, A. Sharafiev2, V. Kornev2 . 1. Scobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow State University, Physics Department, Moscow, Russia . |
Quantum Informatics
P2-06 |
Adequacy, completeness, and accuracy of quantum measurement protocols . Yu.I. Bogdanov, A.K. Gavrichenko. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
P2-0 7 |
Polarization quantum operations in an anisotropic medium with dispersion . Yu . I. Bogdanov 1 , A.A. Kalinkin 2,3 , S.P. Kulik 4 , E.V. Moreva 2,5 , V.A. Shershulin 1,2,6 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. International Laser Center of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, RAS, Kazan, Russia. 4. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 5. National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI», Moscow, Russia. 6. National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-0 8 |
Experimental study of echo effect in polarization transformations of qubits. Yu. Bogdanov 1 , A. Kalinkin 2,3 , S. Kulik 4 , E. Moreva 2,5 , V. Shershulin 1,2,6 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. International Laser Center of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute RAS, Kazan, Russia. 4. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 5. National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI», Moscow, Russia. 6. National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-09 |
Mathematical modeling of polarization echo in optically anisotropic media. Yu.I. Bogdanov1, A.A. Kalinkin2,3, S.P. Kulik4, E.V. Moreva2,5, V.A. Shershulin 1,2,6, L.V. Belinsky1,6 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. International Laser Center of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, RAS, Kazan Russia. 4. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 5. National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI», Moscow, Russia. 6. National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-10 |
Quantum interferometer with compressed coherent states. A. Karuzskii1, A. Tskhovrebov1, V. Prijmachenko2, L. Zherikhina1. 1. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physical Engineering . |
P2-11 |
Tradeoff analysis of b allistic detector for Josephson qubits. N.V. Klenov1, A.V. Sharafiev1, V.K. Kornev1 . Physics Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-12 |
Quantum error correction in Si double dot charge qubits. A. Melnikov1,2, L. Fedichkin1,2,3 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 3. NIX, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-13 |
Could we believe that the moon is there? A.V. Nikulov . Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
P2-14 |
Measurement of charge and spin qubits in a transistor channel . M. Rudenko, V. Vyurkov, S. Filippov, A. Orlikovsky . Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
Device Structures II
P2-15 |
Atomic force microscopy studies of ferroelectric and electrical properties in epitaxial BaTiO3/Pt heterostructures . A. Baturin1, A. Chouprik1, K. Bulakh1, A. Kuzin1, A. Zenkevich2, M. Minnekaev2 . 1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 2. National Research Nuclear University “Moscow Engineering Physics Institute”, Moscow, Russia. |
P2-16 |
Formation of Ag clusters for resistive memory cells from thin film. A. Belov1, D. Gromov1, O. Pyatilova1, O. Sakharov2, A. Trifonov2 . 1. National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET, Moscow, Russia. 2. Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems named after F.V.Lukin, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-1 7 |
Memory cells on the basis of metal-insulator-semiconductor of structure with multilayer dielectric with same nanometer layers . A.E. Berdnikov, A.A. Popov, A.A. Mironenko, V.D. Chernomordick, A.V. Perminov . Yaroslavl Branch of Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P2-1 8 |
A resistive switching effect with memristive behavior in HfxAl1-xOy layers grown by atomic layer deposition. A.A. Chouprik1, K.V. Egorov1, I.P. Grigal1, Yu.Yu. Lebedinskii2, A.M. Markeev 1, A.V. Zenkevich2 . 1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 2. NRNU Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-19 |
Atomic layer deposition of HfxAl1-xOy dielectric layers for memory devices. I.P. Grigal 1 , A.A. Chouprik 1 , K.V. Egorov 1 , Yu.Yu. Lebedinskii 2 , A.M. Markeev 1 . 1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 2. NRNU Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-20 |
Influence of heating on electrical properties and morphology of indium-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films for phase change memory devices. P. Lazarenko1, S. Kozuykhin2, A. Sherchenkov1, A. Babich1, A. Vargunin2, O. Pyatilova1 . 1. National Research University of Electronic Technology , Moscow, Russia. 2. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-21 |
Effect of the moist porous silicon oxide layer on the electrical characteristics of memory cells. V. Levin, V. Mordvintsev, S. Kudryavtsev. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P2-22 |
Influence of thermocycling on the properties of Ge-Te system materials for application in nanoscale phase change memory cells . A. Sherchenkov1, S. Kozyukhin2, M. Michailova1, A. Babich1, P. Lazarenko1 . 1. National Research University of Electronic Technology. 2. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS . |
Lithography Techniques
P2-23 |
Formation of nanomask with 10-20 nm elements using self-organizing processes in diblock-copolymers films. M.A. Bruk1, E.N. Zhikharev2, V.A. Kalnov2, A.V. Spirin1, I.I. А mirov2 . 1. Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-24 |
The new method of image formation by direct electron-beam etching of polymer resist . M.A. Bruk 1 , E.N. Zhikharev2, D.R. Streltsov1, V.A. Kalnov2, A.V. Spirin1 . 1. Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
P2-25 |
The charging of PMMA-film resist in electron beam lithography. E.N. Evstafjeva, M.A. Knjazev, E.I. Rau, A.A. Svintsov, A.A. Tatarintsev, S.I. Zaitsev. Institute of Microelectronic Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
P2-2 6 |
Micropattern formation of diamond films . E.A. Il’ichev, A.E. Kuleshov, N.K. Matveeva, G.N. Petrukhin, R.M. Nabiev, G.S. Rychkov. F.V. Lukin State Research Institute of Physical Problems, Zelenograd, Russia . |
Materials for Photonics and Optoelectronics
P2-2 7 |
Formation of buried Ge nanocrystals and Cr (Mn) disilicides in Si by combination of ion implantation and MBE methods . N.G. Galkin1, E.A. Chusovitin1, K.N. Galkin1, S.A. Dotsenko1, S.V. Vavanova1 , R.I. Batalov2, R.M. Bayazitov2 . 1. Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivostok, Russia. 2. Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia . |
P2-28 |
Electroluminescence and photovoltage properties of Si-p/ b -FeSi2 NC/Si-p/Si(100)-n mesa-diodes . N.G. Galkin1, E.A. Chusovitin1, D.L. Goroshko1, A.V. Shevlyagin1, T.S. Shamirzaev 2 . 1. Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivostok, Russia. 2. Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia . |
P2-29 |
Formation and properties of Ca silicide films and Si-Ca silicide-Si double heterostructures on Si(111) substrate . N.G. Galkin1, S.A. Dotsenko1, D.V. Bezbabny2, K.N. Galkin1, D.L. Goroshko1, R. Kudrawiec3, E. Zielony3, A. Misiewicz3 . 1. Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivostok, Russia. 2. Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia. 3. Institute of Physics, Wroclaw State technical University, Wroclaw, Poland . |
P2-30 |
Hydro chemical deposition method nanofilms ZnS1-xSex . M.A. Jafarov , E.F. Nasirov, S.A. Jahangirova . Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan . |
P2-31 |
Solar sell on the bazis heterojunctions p-CdS/p-CdTe/CdZnS, obtained by chemical deposition . M.A. Jafarov , E.F. Nasirov, S.A. Jahangirova . Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan . |
P2-32 |
STM study of single tetrapod-shaped CdTe and CdTe/CdSe nanocrystal . A.S. Trifonov 1 , R.B. Vasiliev 2 , I.S. Ezubchenko 3 , M.S. Sokolikova 2 , D.R. Britov 4 , D.E. Presnov 1 , O.V. Snigirev 4 . 1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia. 2. Department of Materials Science, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute», Moscow, Russia. 4. Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-33 |
Luminescent properties of carbon incorporated porous silicon oxide. A. Vasin1, S. Gordienko1, A. Rusavsky1, A. Nazarov1, V.S. Lysenko1, Yu. Piryatinski2, I. Blonsky2, E. Makila3, J.Salonen3, S. Prucnal4, L. Rebohle 4, W. Skorupa4 . 1. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev, Ukraine. 2. Institute of Physics, Kiev, Ukraine. 3. Department of Physics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. 4. Institut fur Ionenstrahlphysik und Materialforschung, Dresden, Germany . |
Electronic Materials and Thin Films
P2-34 |
Germanium substrates for molecular-beam epitaxy . I.D. Burlakov, A.L.Sizov, N.I. Iakovleva, E.D. Korotaev, A.E. Mirofianchenko . State Scientific Center of Russian Federation “RD&P Center ORION”, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-35 |
Direct wafer bonding of SiGe and Si crystalline wafers for high-power bipolar devices and SGOI. I.V. Grekhov1, L.S. Kostina1, T.S. Argunova1,2, E.I. Belyakova1, N.M. Shmidt 1, J.H. Je2 . 1. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, RAS, Petersburg, Russia. 2. Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea . |
P2-3 6 |
Copper germanium alloys formation by the low temperature atomic hydrogen treatment . A. Kazimirov1, E. Erofeev2, V. Kagadei2. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Communication Systems, Tomsk, Russia. 2. Research and Production Company «Micran», Tomsk, Russia . |
P2-3 7 |
Fabrication and structural study of InxGa1-xAs layers on porous GaAs(001) substrates . A. Lomov1, J. Grym2, D. Nohavica2, E. Hulicius3, J. Pangrác3, A. Orehov 4, A. Vasiliev4 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Photonics and Electronics of Academy of Science of Czeh Republic, Prague, Czech Republic. 3. Institute of Physics of Academy of Science of Czeh Republic, Prague, Czech Republic. 4. National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-38 |
Conductive Langmuir-Blodgett films based on poly (p-phenylenevinylene) derivates . N.K. Matveeva, E.A. Ilichev . Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute of Physical Problems named after F.V.Lukin”, Zelenograd, Russia . |
P2-39 |
Features of formation of high-k dielectric layer in the W/ultrathin HfO2/Si (100) structures under annealing. V. Rudakov, E. Bogoyavlenskaya, Yu. Denisenko, V. Naumov. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P2-40 |
Temperature oscillations in a silicon wafer under constant power of incoherent irradiation by heating lamps in a thermal chamber of RTP set up . V. Rudakov, A. Kurenya, V. Ovcharov, V. Prigara. Institute of Physics and Technology, Yaroslavl Branch, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
P2-41 |
Hopping conductivity in Ge-SiOx-Si structures with Ge nanoclusters. S.V. Kondratenko1, Yu.N. Kozyrev2, M.Yu. Rubezhanska2, V.S. Lysenko3, Y.V. Gomeniuk3 . 1. Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Ukraine. 2. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, Kyiv, Ukraine. 3. V. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine . |
Simulation and Modeling II
P2-42 |
Modeling the influence of internal mechanical stresses on spatial distribution of oxygen during its precipitation in silicon. R. Goldstein1, T. Makhviladze2, M. Sarychev2 . 1. Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-43 |
Modeling the electromigration and mechanical stresses in conductor lines containing impurities. T. Makhviladze, M. Sarychev. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-44 |
The numerical model of simplest FIB on ions of rare gases for nano diagnostics and nano patterning. V.A. Zhukov1, N.V. Badenko2, P.V. Shpartko2 . 1. St. Petersburg Institute of Information Science and Automation, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2. St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University , St. Petersburg, Russia . |
P2-45 |
Molecular dynamics simulations of the low energy Ar ion-plasma sputtering of copper nanostuctures. A. Kupriyanov, O. Trushin, I. Amirov. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P2-4 6 |
Mechanisms of strain relief in Cu/Ni(100) heteroepitaxy . O. Trushin1, T. Ala-Nissila2, S-C. Ying3, E. Granato4 . 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Intitute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. 3. Brown University, Providence, USA. 4. Instituto National de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP Brasil . |
P2-4 7 |
Modeling of profile evolution at the low-energy ion sputtering in Ar plasma . A.S. Shumilov, I.I. Amirov. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
Plasma and Ion Beam Processing
P2-48 |
Formation of silicon oxide layer on the surface of mono-Si wafer by means of ion beam irradiation . B. Gurovich, K. Prikhodko, A. Taldenkov, D. Komarov, L. Kutuzov . National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-49 |
The quantum-size Si dots formed in PECVD Si/SiO2multilayers by irradiation with swift heavy ions. G. Kamaev1,2, S. Cherkova1,2, A. Antonenko1,2, G. Kachurin1, A. Gismatulin1, D. Marin1,2, V. Volodin1,2, A. Cherkov1,2, V. Skuratov3 . 1 A.V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; 3Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia . |
P2-50 |
The study of nanostructures formation on AlSi thin film surface under ion-plasma sputtering . V. Bachurin, I. Amirov, M. Izyumov, V. Naumov, S. Simakin . Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
P2-51 |
Efficiency of fast neutral particle beam sources based on gas-phase charge exchange processes . V.P. Kudrya. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems and Sensors
P2-52 |
Piezoelectric generator with filled space between the ZnO nanowires . D.G. Gromov1, A.M. Kozmin1, M.U.Nazarkin1, S.P.Timoshenkov1, S.A.Gavrilov1, A.I.Kozlitin2 . 1 National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia. 2Joint research center «Synchrotron», Moscow, Russia . |
P2-53 |
Simulation of ZnO piezocantilever deflection for a contact AFM . E. Gusev, Yu. Eroshina . Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia . |
P2-54 |
NO2, CO and CO2 gas sensor based on magnetron deposited n- and p-type ZnO films . E. Gusev, A. Mikhno, V. Gamaleev, O. Mironenko . Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia . |
P2-55 |
The mode matching technology for MEMS gyroscope with mutually spaced eigenfrequences . O. Morozov1, A. Postnikov1 , I. Kozin1, A. Soloviev2, A. Tarasov2 . 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Federal state Unitary Enterprise “Center for Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities Operation”, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-5 6 |
Principal physical and technological problems and technical solutions for creating a new generation of high-temperature microelectromechanical SOIMT strain sensors. L. Sokolov1, N. Parfenov2, S. Igochin3. 1. Branch of MAI (TU) “Strela”, Zhukovsky, Russia. 2. MAI (TU), Moscow, Russia. 3. JSC “Interlab”, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-5 7 |
MEMS angular rate sensors and roll sensors. A. Timoshenkov, S.M. Naing, D. Daniltsev, V. Kalugin . National Research University of Electronic Technology, Department of Microelectronics, Moscow, Russia . |
P2-58 |
Technology development for the creation of conformal multilayer wiring boards based on polymers . A. Titov, Yu. Dolgovykh, K. Tikhonov, S. Timoshenkov. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Department of Microelectronics, Moscow, Russia. |