Posters | Oral Presentations
Wednesday, October 7th 2009
16.30 – 18.30 Poster session I
Nanodevices and Nanostructures
P1-01 |
Determination of electronic properties of molecular objects on the basis of nanodevices transport characteristics. V.A. Malinin, V.V. Shorokhov, E.S. Soldatov. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia |
P1-02 |
Highly doped SOI based single-electron transistor: noise characteristics and charge sensitivity. D.E. Presnov1, V.S. Vlasenko2, S.V. Amitonov2, V.A. Krupenin2. 1. Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 2. Laboratory of Cryoelectronics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia |
P1-03 |
Nanocarbon films with electronic conductivity. N.F. Savchenko, M.B. Guseva, V.V. Khvostov, Yu.A. Korobov, A.F. Alexandrov. Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
P1-04 |
Secondary-emission properties of the carbon films. V.V. Khvostov, M.B. Guseva, N.F. Savchenko, Yu.A. Korobov, N.D. Novikov. Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. |
P1-05 |
Investigation of auto-emission diodes with CNT emitters under small inter-electrode distance conditions. S. Orlov1, O. Gushchin1, S. Yanovich1, V. Shyshko1, O. Perveeva1, N. Savinsky2. 1. Mikron JSC, Zelenograd, Russia, 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Yaroslavl Branch, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P1-06 |
Design of 3D nano-carbon emitter based autoemission devices. N. Savinski1, M. Gitlin1, A. Shornikov1. 1. Yaroslavl branch of Institute of Physics & Technology,Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P1-07 |
ZnO nanorods for device application. O.V. Kononenko 1, A.N. Red’kin 1, A.N. Baranov2, A.N. Panin1, 4, M.V. Shestakov3, V.T. Volkov1, A.I. Il’in1, E.E. Vdovin1 1. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia. 2. Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia 3. Moscow State University, Department of Materials Science, Moscow, Russia 4. Quantum-functional Semiconductor Research Center, Department of Physics, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea. |
P1-08 |
Observation of spin injection in ballistic nanostructures Mo(001)/Py. G.M. Mikhailov, V.Yu. Vinnichenko, A.V. Chernykh, I.V. Malikov, S.V. Piatkin. Institute of microelectronic technology and high purity materials RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
Nanostructure Technologies
P1-09 |
Formation of Voids in Silicon-Based Structures Annealed in Non-Isothermal Reactor. Yu. I. Denisenko. Institute of Physics and Technology, Yaroslavl Branch, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P1-10 |
Si wires deposition by magnetron sputtering method. S. Evlashin, N. Suetin, V. Krivchenko. D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University |
P1-11 |
Nanocrystalline silicon on sapphire. D. Pavlov, P. Shilyaev, E. Korotkov, N. Krivulin. University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia. |
P1-12 |
Formation of the atomically smooth surface of gold film and the binding of gold nanoparticles on it by the self-assembly method. A.N. Kuturov1, E.S. Soldatov2, L.A. Polyakova3, S.P. Gubin3. 1. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia 2. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 3. Institute of General Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia |
P1-13 |
LGD-technology of FM/SC hybrid nanostructrures. A.S. Sigov1, A.V. Abramov2, L.A.Bityutskaya3, E.V. Bogatikov3, M.V.Grechkina3, Yu.I. Dikarev3, A.P.Lazarev2, E.A.Pankratova2, V.M.Rubinshtein3, A.V.Tuchin3. 1. MIREA, Moscow, Russia, 2. «Rosbiokvant» Ltd, Voronezh, Russia 3. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia |
P1-14 |
Preparation of electrodes for molecular transistor by focused ion beam. I.V. Sapkov1, V.V. Kolesov2, E.S. Soldatov1 . 1. Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Russia, 2. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering & Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
P1-15 |
Formation of molecular transistor electrodes by electromigration. A.S. Stepanov1, E.S. Soldatov2, O.V. Snigirev1,2. 1. IMP, RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia, 2. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
P1-16 |
PECVD carbon nanostructure formation using DC glow discharge. D.G. Gromov, S.A. Gavrilov, I.S. Chulkov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), Zelenograd, Russia |
Devices and ICs
P1-17 |
Physical limitations of reliability in microwave microelectronic devices operating in periodical pulse mode. A.G. Vasiliev, V.F. Sinkevich. FSUE “Science and Production Enterprise “Pulsar” Moscow, Russia |
P1-18 |
Principal problems of quality improvement for high-speed planar transmission lines issued from studies of high-Q microstrip resonators. A.P. Chernyaev2, V.A. Dravin1, A.Yu. Golovanov1,2, A.L. Karuzskii1, A.E. Krapivka1, A.N. Lykov1, V. N. Murzin1, A. V. Perestoronin1, A. M. Tskhovrebov1, N. A. Volchkov1. 1. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny, Russia. |
P1-19 |
Effect of Conductivity Triggering: Studying and Optimization of MOS-like Structures. A.E. Berdnikov, A.A. Popov, A.A. Mironenko, V.D. Chernomordick, A.V. Perminov. Yaroslavl Branch of Institute of Physics & Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
P1-20 |
Design and application features of nonvolatile memory based on ferroelectric thin films. A. Marycheva1, N. Zaitsev2. 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (TU), Zelenograd, Russia, 2. Micron Corp., Zelenograd, Russia |
P1-21 |
Research of SONOS non -volatile memory elements. O. Orlov 1, N. Shelepin 1. Mikron JSC, Moscow, Russia |
P1-22 |
Research and optimization of anodic joint process of SOI microelectromechanical strain transducer with glass reference element. L. Sokolov1, N. Parfenov1, S. Timoshenkov2, V. Kalugin2. 1. Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), Moscow, Russia. |
P1-23 |
Experimental research of the Magnetotransistor in a double well. A. Kozlov1, Yu. Parmenov1, R. Tikhonov2. 1. Moscow State Institute of Electronic Engineering – Technical University, 2. SMC “Technical University” |
P1-24 |
The amplifier-concentrator of electrons as the base element of the emission electronics. E. Il`ichev, A. Kuleshov, E. Poltoratskii, G. Rychkov. State Research Institute of Physical Problems,Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia |
P1-25 |
Piezoelectric current generator through filamentary nanocrystals of zinc oxide. M. Nazarkin, S. Gavrilov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technologies (Technical University, Zelenograd, Russia |
P1-26 |
New type of high efficiency power supply of digital units. Y. Chaplygin, V. Losev. Moscow State Institute of Electronic Engineering, Moscow, Russia |
Superconducting Structures and Devices
P1-27 |
The theoretical analysis of electronic thermal properties of the interfaces between multiband superconductors and a normal metal. I.A. Devyatov1, M.Yu. Romashka1, A.V. Semenov2, P.A. Krutitskii3, M.Yu. Kupriyanov1. 1. Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia, 2. State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, 3. Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia |
P1-28 |
Microscopic theory of thermal phase slips in diffuse superconducting wires. A.V. Semenov1, I.A. Devyatov2, P.A. Krutitskii3, M.Yu. Kupriyanov2. 1. Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, 2. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia, 3. Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia |
P1-29 |
Characteristics of Nb/?-Si/Nb Josephson junction arrays at frequencies of 68 — 75 GHz. A.L. Gudkov1, A.A. Gogin1, A.I. Kozlov1, A.N. Samys1, I.Ya. Krasnopolin2. 1. CJSC «Compelst», FSUE «SRIPP n. F.V. Lykin», Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia 2. FSUE «VNIIMS», Moscow, Russia |
P1-30 |
Transport properties of josephson junctions with ferromagnetic layers. T.Yu. Karminskaya1, A.A. Golubov2, M.Yu. Kupriyanov1, A.S. Sidorenko3. 1. Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Faculty of Science and Technology and MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands. 3. Institute of Electronic Engineering and Industrial Technologies Chisinau, Moldova. |
P1-31 |
Bi-SQUID with linear transfer function. V. Kornev1 , I. Soloviev1 , N. Klenov1, O. Mukhanov2. 1. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2. HYPRES, Elmsford, USA |
Photonics and Optoelectronics
P1-32 |
Modeling of optical integrated circuit of a multiplexer/splitter on a basis of a photonic crystal structure. M. Belkin, K. Kostenko. Moscow State Technical University of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation |
P1-33 |
Computer-aided design of the high-efficient laser module for microwave-band fiber optic systems. M. Belkin, A. Loparev. Moscow State Technical University of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation. Moscow, Russia |
P1-34 |
Numerical methods for calculation of optical properties of layered structures. S.A. Dyakov1,4, V.A. Tolmachev1,2, E.V. Astrova2, S.G. Tikhodeev3, V.Y.Timoshenko4, T.S. Perova1 . 1. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. 2. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia 3. General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 4. Faculty of Physics, Moscow University, Moscow, Russia. |
P1-35 |
Vertical double range photocell with polysilicon photodiode, volume resonator and a photoelement with isotype potential p+ barrier in the substrate for UV application. I.V. Vanyushin1, V.A. Gergel2, N.M. Gorshkova2, A.G. Klimkovich1. 1. LCC “SensorIС”, Moscow, Russia. 2. Kotel`nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
P1-36 |
Formation of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals by Means of Photo-Electrochemical Etching of Silicon. Yu.A. Zharova1, G.V. Fedulova1, E.V. Astrova1, V.A. Ermakov2 and T.S. Perova2. 1. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia, 2. Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland |
P1-37 |
Titanium dioxide with carbon nanotubes nanocomposite for new generation solar cells. A. Dronov , S. Gavrilov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technologies (Technical University), Russia |
P1-38 |
Application of linear-chain carbon nano-films in optoelectronic devices. M.B. Guseva1, P.B. Konstantinov2, Y.A. Kontsevoy2, N.N. Novikov1, A.S. Skrileov2, V.V. Khvostov1, V.V. Chernokozhin2 . 1. Physical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, Russia, 2. FSUE “Science and Production Enterprise “Pulsar” Moscow, Russia |
P1-39 |
Critical temperature of SF and SFS multilayres with arbitrary electron mean free path in F and S films. M.Yu. Kupriyanov1, A.I. Buzdin1, A.A. Golubov2 . 1. Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Centre de Physique Moleculaire Optique et Hertzienne, Universite Bordeaux, CNRS, France. 3. Faculty of Science and Technology and MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands. |
P1-40 |
Experimental study of differential SQIF-structures. V. Kornev1 , I. Soloviev1 , N. Klenov1, O. Mukhanov2. 1. Moscow State University, Russia, 2. HYPRES, Elmsford, USA |
P1-41 |
Quantum interferometers on multichain of josephson junctions. A. Karuzskiy1, G. Kuleshova2, A. Tshovrebov1, L. Zherikhina1. 1. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia; 2. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University) , Moscow, Russia |
Magnetic Micro- and Nanostructures
Propagation of magnetostatic surface waves in ferromagnetic films with variable thickness. Yu.A. Ignatov, V.I. Scheglov, A.A. Klimov, S.A. Nikitov. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE RAS), Moscow |
P1-43 |
Modification of magnetic domain structures in Co film using the atomic force microscopy nano-oxidation. A. Bukharaev1,2, D. Biziaev1, P. Borodin1, I. Merkutov2 . 1. Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia, 2. Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia |
P1-44 |
Investigations of magnetic states in multilayer submicron ferromagnetic particles. A.A. Fraerman, B.A. Gribkov, S.A. Gusev, A.Yu. Klimov, V.L. Mironov, V.V. Rogov, S.N.Vdovichev. Institute for physics of microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. |
P1-45 |
Fe/MgO/Fe heterostructures on r-sapphire for single-crystal magnetic tunnel junctions. A. Chernykh, V. Vinnichenko, L. Fomin, G. Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia |
P1-46 |
Epitaxial Fe3O4 films for spin valve applications. I.V. Malikov, G.M. Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia. |
P1-47 |
Investigation of domain wall pinning and nanostructures remagnetization of epitaxial Fe structures with use of magnetic force contrast and magnetoresistance measurements. G.M. Mikhailov, V.Yu. Vinnichenko, L.A. Fomin, K.M. Kalach, I.V. Maliko. Institute of microelectronic technology RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia |
P1-48 |
Dependence of two-layer structures Cu/Co magnetoresistance on thickness of copper. V. Naumov. Yaroslavl branch of Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
P1-49 |
Study of size effect on switching characteristics of spinvalve GMR sensor. O.S. Trushin1 , E.Yu. Buchin1 , V.F. Bochkarev1, N. Barabanova2. 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Department of Physics, Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P1-50 |
GMR sensor design optimization using micromagnetic simulations. O.S. Trushin1, N. Barabanova2, V.P. Alexeev2 . 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Department of Physics, Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P1-51 |
Optical and thermal effects in polymers with superparamagnetic impurities. R.M. Aynbinder. Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czekh Republic. |
P1-52 |
Ferromagnetic resonance study of thin Si65Mn35 layer. S. Kapelnitsky1,2. 1. Russian Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute», Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , Russia |
Delayed Posters at Session I
Magnetic and thermal properties of nanocomposite GdNiO3 . А.I. Rykova1, V.M. Dmitriev1, E.N. Khatsko1, A.V. Terekhov1 А.S. Cherny1, D.S. Kondrashev1, T. Mydlarz2, A. Zaleski2 , A.D. Shevshenko3, V.M. Uvarov3 . 1. B.I.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Phys. & Engineering of NASU, Kharkov, Ukraine. 2. International laboratory of high magnetic fields and low temperatures, Wroclaw, Poland, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyyiv, Ukraine |
D1-02 |
Magnetic properties of system La1-xSmxMnO3 . А.I. Rykova1, E.N. Khatsko1, А.S. Cherny1, T. Mydlarz2, J. Warchulska2 . 1. B.I.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Phys. & Engineering of NASU, Kharkov, Ukraine 2. International laboratory of high magnetic fields and low temperatures, Wroclaw, Poland |
Thursday, October 8th 2009
16.45 – 18.30 Poster session II
Simulation and Modeling
Calculation of the characteristics of electron transport through molecular clusters. Y.S. Gerasimov1 , V.V. Shorokhov2 , E.S. Soldatov2 , O.V. Snigirev1,2. 1. IMP, RRC “ Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia, 2. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia |
P2-02 |
Investigation of segregation effect in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by means a computer simulation. A.N. Baryshev, S.V. Khazanova. Nizhni Novgorod University im.N.I.Lobachevskogo, NIzhni Novgorod, Russia |
P2-03 |
Simulation of impurity diffusion at the formation of ultrashallow active areas in silicon-based FET. F. Komarov1, O. Velichko2, A. Mironov1, G. Zayats3, A. Komarov1, V. Tsurko3. 1. Institute of Applied Physics Problems, Minsk, Belarus, 2. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus 3. Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus. |
P2-04 |
Modeling of the interfacial separation work in relation to impurity concentrations in adjoining materials. I. Alekseev, T. Makhviladze, A. Minushev, M. Sarychev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. |
P2-05 |
Energetics and atomic mechanisms of strain relaxation in heteroepitaxial systems. O. Trushin1 , J. Jalkanen2 , E. Granato3 , S-C. Ying4, T. Ala-Nissila2. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Department of Engineering Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 3. Laboratґorio Associado de Sensores e Materiais, Instituto National de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil, 4. Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA |
P2-06 |
Off-lattice self-learning kinetic Monte-Carlo: application to 2D cluster diffusion on metal surfaces. O. Trushin1 , A. Makin2 , T.S. Rahman3. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Department of Physics, Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia 3. Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA |
P2-07 |
Nanoobject sizes of defects in porous systems and defective materials according ADAP method. Part I. S.P. Timoshenkov1, E.P. Svetlov-Prokop’ev1,2, V.I. Grafutin 1 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), TU- MIET, Zelenograd, Russia,2. «State Science Centre of the Russian Federation- A.I.Alikhanov Institute for theoretical and experimental physics», Moscow, Russia |
P2-08 |
Nanoobject sizes of defects in porous systems and defective materials according ADAP method. Part II. S.P. Timoshenkov1, E.P. Svetlov-Prokop’ev1,2, V.I. Grafutin 1 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), TU- MIET, Zelenograd, Russia,2. «State Science Centre of the Russian Federation- A.I.Alikhanov Institute for theoretical and experimental physics», Moscow, Russia |
P2-09 |
Calculation of electrophysical parameters of thin undoped GaAs-in-Al2O3 quantum nanowires and single-wall armchair carbon nanotubes. D.V. Pozdnyakov1, A.V. Borzdov1, V.M. Borzdov1, V.A. Labunov2 . 1. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, 2. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus |
P2-10 |
Penetration of quantum-mechanical current density under semi-infinite rectangular potential barrier as the consequence of the interference of the electron waves in semiconductor 2D nanostructures. V.A. Petrov, A.V. Nikitin. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow, Russia |
P2-11 |
Laser generation in broken-gap heterostructures. I. Semenikhin1, K.A. Chao2, A. Zakharova1. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2. Department of Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, and Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden |
P2-12 |
Monte Carlo simulation of submicron three-gate MOSFETs. O. Zhevnyak, V. Borzdov , A. Borzdov, D. Speranski. Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus |
P2-13 |
SPICE Modeling and TCAD Simulation of Si Vertical Double-Diffused MOSFET. A.V. Sedov1, V.O. Turin1, A.M. Tsyrlov2, G.I. Zebrev3. 1. Orel State Technical University, Orel, Russia, 2. JSC “Proton”, Orel, Russia, 3. National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia |
P2-14 |
Modeling of HBT with Si1-X-YGeXCY base. K. Petrosjanc, R. Torgovnikov. Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia |
P2-15 |
Reversible Gate Oxide Defect Recharging in Nanoscale Field Effect Transistors: Charge Annealing, Tunnel Gate Leakage, Random Telegraph Signal and 1/f Noise. G.I. Zebrev, N. Samokhin, D. Batmanova. Micro- and Nanoelectronics Department, National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia |
P2-16 |
Radiation-Hardening-by-Design with Circuit-Level Modeling of Total Ionizing Dose Effects in Modern CMOS Technologies. M. Gorbunov1 , G. Zebrev2 , P. Osipenko1. 1. Scientific-Research Institute of System Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia |
P2-17 |
Specification of model for the multi-cathode quantum vacuum nano-triode on the base of new experimental data. V.A. Zhukov. St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia |
P2-18 |
The specifics of modeling high-speed integrated amplifiers with high amount of feedback. E.M. Savchenko, A.S. Budyakov. FSUE “Science and Production Enterprise “Pulsar” Moscow, Russia |
Thin Films Technologies
Formation of Ge/Cu ohmic contacts to n-GaAs with atomic hydrogen pre-annealing step. E. Erofeev1, V. Kagadei2. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Communication Systems, Tomsk, Russia 2. Research and production company “Micran”, Tomsk, Russia. |
P2-20 |
Hf-based barrier layers for Cu-metallization. Denisenko Yu.I.1, Gusev V.N.1, Khorin A.I.1,2, Orlikovsky A.A.1, Rogozhin A.E.1, Rudakov V.I.1, Vasiliev A.G.1,3 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2. Moscow State Institute of Radio-engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia, 3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Scientific & Product Enterprise “Pulsar”, Moscow , Russia |
P2-21 |
Properties of HfO2 films on Si-substrate obtained by electron beam vapor deposition. A.V. Ershov, S.N. Zubkov, V.V. Karzanov, S.V. Khazanova, О.N. Nikolaeva, D.A. Nikolichev. Nizhni Novgorod University im.N.I.Lobachevskogo, NIzhni Novgorod, Russia. |
P2-22 |
Some peculiarities in the formation functional films by sol-gel and electrophoretic technologies. N. Korobova1, S. Timoshenkov2 , A. Shabanova3. 1. Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.; 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia, 3. National Engineering Academy, Almaty, Kazakhstan. |
P2-23 |
The peculiarities of creating composite glasses for multilayer structures, MEMS structures included. S. Timoshenkov 1, O. Orlov 2 . 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia, 2. Mikron JSC, Moscow, Russia |
Lithography Techniques
P2-24 |
Electron Beam Lithography using PMMA as negative resist. E.N. Zhikharev, S.N. Averkin, V.A. Kalnov. Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia |
P2-25 |
Application of virtual scanning electron microscope to determine the parameters of atom nanolithograph microlenses. A. Zablozkiy1, E. Shehin1, A. Kuzin1, A. Baturin1, P. Melentiev2, D. Lapshin2, V. Balykin2 . 1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia, 2. Institute of Spectroscopy Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk , Russia |
Ion and Neutral Beam Processing
Features of relief formation at silicon surfaces by etching with focused ion beam. N. Gerasimenko1, A. Chamov1,2, E. Novoselova2, V. Khanin2. 1. Moscow Institute for Electronic Engeneering, Moscow, Russia, 2. JSC Mikron, Moscow, Russia. |
P2-27 |
Modification of electrophysical behavior of surface adjacent to FIB milling area. A.A. Chouprik, A.A. Kuzin, A.V. Zablotskiy. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. |
P2-28 |
Formation of buried borosilicate layers by means of ion implantation. A. Churilov, S. Krivelevich, R. Seljukov. Yaroslavl branch of Institute of Physics & Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P2-29 |
Fast atom beam formation of inert and chemically active substances in an extensive source of ions for application in the technological processes. Y. Maishev, S. Shevchuk, T. Matveev. Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Plasma Processing
Microwave plasma assisted single crystal diamond films growth and its application in microelectronics. A.L. Vikharev1, A.M. Gorbachev1, A.B. Muchnikov1, D.B. Radishev1, A.A. Altukhov2, A.V. Mitenkin2, M.P. Dukhnovsky3, V.E. Zemlyakov3. 1. Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2. ITC «UralAlmazInvest», Moscow, Russia, 3. FSUE «Istok», Fryazino, Russia |
P2-31 |
Plasma damage and restoration of CVD low-k materials. E. Smirnov1,2 , A. Ferchichi2 , L. Zhao2, M.R. Baklanov2. 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), Zelenograd, Russia 2. IMEC, Leuven, Belgium. |
P2-32 |
Optimization of parameters of deep plasma chemical process of silicon etchings for elements MEMS. A.I. Vinogradov, N.M. Zaryankin, Yu.A. Mikhajlov, E.P. Prokopiev, S.P. Timoshenkov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), TU- MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia |
P2-33 |
Formation of periodical nanostructures on semiconductors using solid alumina template. A. Belov, S. Gavrilov, V. Shevyakov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Techologies (Techincal University), Zelenograd, Russia |
P2-34 |
The effect of plasma treatment on the residual stresses of metallic cantilever structures. I.I. Amirov, V.V. Naumov. Yaroslavl branch of the Institute of Physics & Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences,, Yaroslavl, Russia |
P2-35 |
Kinetics of the GaAs etch process in the Cl2 dc glow discharge plasma. A. Dunaev, S. Pivovarenok, A. Efremov, V. Svettsov. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Ivanovo, Russia |
P2-36 |
Plasma parameters and composition in HCl/X (X=Cl2, H2, Ar) dc glow discharges. A. Efremov, V. Svettsov, S. Lemehov. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Ivanovo, Russia |
P2-37 |
Emission Tomography Algorithm Optimization: Applications for Microelectronic Plasma Equipment. A.V. Fadeev, K.V. Rudenko, V.F. Lukichev, A.A. Orlikovsky. Lab. of Microstructuring and Submicron Devices, Institute of Physics & Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
Micro- and Nanostructure Characterization
P2-38 |
Characterization of GaSb(001) surface under pre-growth processing. M.S. Dunaevskii, E.V. Kunitsina, T.V. L’vova, A.N. Semenov, B.Y. Meltser, J.V. Terentyev. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg,, Russia. |
P2-39 |
Measurements samples temperature and dynamics of recrystallization of implanted silicon at rapid thermal processing. Ya. Fattakhov, M. Galyautdinov, B. Farrakhov, M. Zakharov. Kazan Physical Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia. |
P2-40 |
Features of electron direct tunneling through an ultrathin oxide under the non-stationary depletion of a n-Si surface. G.V. Chucheva, E.I. Goldman, Yu.V. Gulyaev, A.G. Zhdan. The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino, Russia |
P2-41 |
Investigations of nanostructured porous PbTe films with X-ray diffractometry and reflectometry. S.P. Zimin1, V.M. Vasin1, E.S. Gorlachev2, A.P. Petrakov3, S.V. Shilov3. 1. Yaroslavl State University, Russia, 2. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 3. Syktyvkar State University, Russia |
P2-42 |
Relationship between modification of electrophysical properties and structural characteristics in semiconductor nanosized heterostructuresInxAl1-xAs/InyGa1-yAs/InxAl1-xAs/InP. R.M. Imamov1, I.A. Subbotin1, G.B. Galiev2, I.S. Vasil’evsky2, E.A. Klimov2 . 1. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of UHF Semiconductor Electronic, Moscow, Russia |
P2-43 |
Characterization of Polymer Semiconductors with TOF-Sims and FTIR. V. Bachurin1, A. Churilov1, O. Kolesnikov1, A. Rudy2, S. Simakin1. 1. Yaroslavl branch of Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
P2-44 |
General mechanism of the electric inactivity of the impurity atoms in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors. G.A. Bordovsky, R.A. Castro, P.P. Seregin, Y.M. Stepanov. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
P2-45 |
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of As2Se3 modified layers. N.I. Anisimova, V.A. Bordovsky, R.A. Castro, G.I. Grabko, D.S. Kirbiatev, Y.M. Stepanov. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
Delayed Posters at Session II
Plasma molding in deep silicon reactive ion etching. O. Morozov. Yaroslavl branch of the Institute of Physics & Technology, RAS, Russia. |
D2-02 |
Integration of the DRIE and deep silicon oxidation technologies for suspended MEMS fabrication using standard silicon wafer. A. Postnikov 1, O. Morozov1, I. Amirov1 , V. Kalnov2. 1. Yaroslavl branch of the Institute of Physics & Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics & Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. |
SIMS depth profiling of shallow B, P, As in silicon by using TOF.SIMS5 and CAMECA-IMS4F. S. G. Simakin, E. V. Potapov, O. N. Kolesnikov. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Low-k silicate films prepared by sol-gel process with thermal decomposition of organic species. V.A. Vasiljev1, D.S. Seregin1, K.A. Vorotilov1, A.S. Sigov1, A.S. Valeev2 . 1. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University), Russia. 2. JSC Mikron, Zelenograd, Russia. |
Effect of precursor synthesis on ferroelectric properties of PZT FeRAM elements. D.S. Seregin, Yu.V. Podgorny, N.M. Kotova, K.A. Vorotilov, A.S. Sigov. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University), Russia. |
Model of the p-n junction modulation effect by the magnetic field. Tikhonov R. D. SMC «Technological Centre» MIEE, Moscow, Russia. |