Scientific programme – 2012
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Monday, October 1st, 2012
9.00 – Registration & Accommodation
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Conference Hall
Special Session. Presentations of Hi-Tech Companies
16.00 |
S1-01 |
SemiTEq technological equipment for nanoelectronics . S.I. Petrov1, A.N. Alexeev1, D.M. Krasovitsky2, V.P. Chaly2. 1. SemiTEq JSC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 2. Svetlana-Rost JSC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. |
16.20 |
S1-02 |
Structural diagnostics, elemental and characteristic analysis of modern micro- and nanosystems using analytical SEM/FIB tools . A. Tagachenkov1, E. Zenova1, Y. Anufriev1, V. Dubrovinskiy2 . 1. Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 2. JSC “NPO Sernia”, Moscow, Russia . |
16.40 |
S1-03 |
Ultra High Resolution AFM Imaging . M. Minin. INTERTECH Corp., Moscow, Russia. |
17.00 |
S1-04 |
Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology equipment for the micro- and nano- engineering of materials for semiconductor, optoelectronics, MEMS and other applications . K. Kuvaev, A. Krynin. Technoinfo Limited, Moscow, Russia. |
17.20 |
S1-05 |
Novel Vion Plasma FIB system for nano- and micro- electronics application by FEI Company . A. Poletaev, I. Bredikhin. Technoinfo Limited, Moscow, Russia. |
17.40 |
S1-06 |
Modern semiconductor equipment for metrology and failure analysis by Hitachi High Technologies . E. Kremer . JSC InterLab, Moscow, Russia . |
18.00 Welcome Party
19.00 Dinner
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
8.15 Breakfast
Conference Hall
E.P. Velikhov, Conference Chair, RSC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow
A.A. Orlikovsky, Program Committee Chair, IPT RAS, Moscow
Plenary Session I
Session Chairman: Vladimir Lukichev, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
9.00 |
L1-01 |
INVITED: New materials and structures in future ULSI generation . A. Orlikovsky, V. Vyurkov . Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia . |
9.40 |
L1-02 |
INVITED: New devices and materials for ultra low power operation . F. Balestra . Sinano Institute, IMEP-Minatec (CNRS-Grenoble INP, UJF), France . |
10.20 |
L1-03 |
INVITED: SiGe and Ge: selective epitaxial growth and application in advanced MOS devices. A. Hikavyy, B. Vincent, W. Vanherle, J. Dekoster, L. Witters, H. Bender, A. Thean, R. Loo. IMEC, Leuven, Belgium. |
11.00 |
L1-04 |
INVITED: Bumpless interconnects technology for wafer-based three-dimensional integration (3DI). T. Ohba. Institute of Engineering Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. |
11.40-12.00 Coffee break. Winter garden
Conference Hall
Plenary Session II. Quantum Informatics I
Session Chairman: Vladimir Lukichev, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
12.00 |
qL-01 |
INVITED: Dressed state amplification by a superconducting qubit. G. Oelsnera, P. Machaa, E. Ilicheva, U. Huebnera, H.-G. Meyera, M. Grajcarb, O. Astafievc. a Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany. bDepartment of Experimental Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, cNEC Nano Electronics Research Laboratories. Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan . |
12.30 |
qL-02 |
INVITED: Quantum correlations: entanglement and discord in the simplest physical systems. E.B. Fel’dman, E.I. Kuznetsova, M.A. Yurishchev, A.I. Zenchuk. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
13.00 |
qL-03 |
INVITED: Fingerprinting based algorithms for quantum branching programs. F. Ablayev1,2. 1. Institute for Informatics of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia. 2. Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia . |
13.30 |
qL-04 |
INVITED: Mathematical modeling of quantum noise and the quality of hardware components of quantum computers. Yu.I. Bogdanov 1 , A.Yu. Chernyavskiy1, A.S. Holevo2, V.F. Luckichev1, S.A. Nuyanzin1,3, A.A. Orlikovsky 1. 1 Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2 Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. 3 National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET . |
14.00-14.40 Lunch
Conference Hall
Session 1. Micro- and Nanodevices I
Session Chairman: Vladimir Vuyrkov, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
14.40 |
O1-01 |
INVITED: Qualification of deep-submicron OTP poly-fuse memory. N. Belova 1 , D. Allman1, S. Tibbitts2 . 1. ON Semiconductor, Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2. Jet City Electronics Inc., Seattle, WA, USA. |
15.10 |
O1-02 |
Recording of information in nanostructures of transition metal silicides . A.S. Sigov1, B.M. Darinskiy3, L.A. Bityutskaya2, O.V.Ovchinnikov2, M.S.Smirnov2, M.V.Grechkina2, A.P.Lazarev3, G.A.Veligura4, A.V.Tuchin3, E.V.Bogatikov 3 . 1. MIREA,Moscow, Russia. 2. VSU, Voronezh, Russia. 3. Rosbiokvant Ltd., Voronezh, Russia. 4. Scientific Research Institute of Electronic Engineering, Voronezh, Russia . |
15.30 |
O1-03 |
Study of the resistive switching mechanism in Pt/ZrOx/HfO2/p++-Si stacks by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy . Yu. Matveyev 1 , A. Zenkevich1, Yu. Lebedinskii1, S. Thiess2, W. Drube2 . 1. NRNU “Moscow Engineering Physics Institute”, Moscow, Russia. 2. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany. |
15.50 |
O1-04 |
Switching of domains in ferroelectric domain boundary. B.M. Darinskiy1, A.P. Lazarev2, A.S. Sigov3. 1. VSU, Voronezh, Russia. 2. Rosbiokvant Ltd., Voronezh, Russia. 3. MIREA, Moscow, Russia . |
Auditorium A
Session 2. Quantum Informatics II
Session Chairman: Sergey Kulik, Moscow State University, Russia
14.40 |
q1-01 |
Quantum correlations (entanglement, discord), quantum phase transitions, and magnetic toroidal states in an anti-ferromagnetic XXZ chain of spins S= ? in the presence of an inhomogeneous transverse magnetic field. A.A. Kokin . Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
15.10 |
q1-02 |
INVITED: Quantum and classical correlations in high temperature dynamics of two coupled large spins. V.E. Zobov. L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russia . |
15.40 |
q1-03 |
Quantum computer on multi-atomic ensembles in quantum electrodynamic cavity. F.M. Ablayev 1,2 , S.N. Andrianov 1,2,3 , S.A. Moiseev 1,2,3 , A.V. Vasiliev 1,2 . 1. Institute for Informatics of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia. 2. Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia. 3. Kazan Physical and Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia |
16.00 |
q1-04 |
Quantum addressing in photon echo based quantum random access memory . S.A. Moiseev 1,2 , E.S. Moiseev2 . 1. Kazan Physical-technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia. 2. Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 3. Simulation and Modeling I
Session Chairman: Igor Abramov. Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus
14.40 |
O1-05 |
T heoretical study of terahertz plasma instability in asymmetric double-grating-gate transistor structures . A. Satou 1 , H. Shida1 , T. Otsuji1, V.V. Popov2 . 1. Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 2. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (Saratov Branch), Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia . |
1 5. 00 |
O1-06 |
Voltage-controlled surface plasmon-polaritons in double-graphene structures . D. Svintsov1 , I. Semenikhin1, V. Vyurkov1, V. Ryzhii2, T. Otsuji2 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 2. Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan . |
15.20 |
O1-07 |
Advanced impact ionization current model for MOS devices including heat effects . T. Krupkina, D. Rodionov . National Research University ‘MIET’ , Moscow, Russia . |
15.40 |
O1-08 |
Electric instability in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices with barrier layers non-transparent for tunneling. V. Gergel` 1 , G.Galiev1, E. Il`ichev2, A. Verhovtseva1, N. Gorshkova1, A. Zelenyi1, I. Altu ê hov1, S. Paprotskiy1 . 1. Kotel`nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), Moscow, Russia . |
16.00 |
O1-09 |
Ionization energy oscillations in metallic and semiconducting nanotubes of ultra small diameters. A. Ganin, E. Bormontov, L. Bitytskaya . Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia . |
16. 20 |
O1-10 |
The brain is a nanoelectronic object. I.I. Abramov. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus . |
16.40-17.00 Coffee break. Winter garden.
Conference Hall
Session 4. Superconducting Structures and Devices
Session Chairman: Mikhail Kupriyanov, Skobelitsin Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
17 .00 |
O1-11 |
Boundary conditions for the contact between normal metal and multiband superconductors with unusual types of pairing . I. Devyatov, A. Burmistrova . Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsin Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia . |
17.20 |
O1-12 |
New method for calculation of the electron transport in heterostructures with different unusual types of superconducting pairing . A. Burmistrova, I. Devyatov . Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsin Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia . |
17.40 |
O1-13 |
Superconducting quantum arrays as electrically small antennas . I. Soloviev 1 , N. Kolotinsky2, N. Klenov2, A. Sharafiev2, V. Kornev2, O. Mukhanov3 . 1. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Physics Department, Moscow State University. 3. HYPRES, Inc., Elmsford, USA . |
18.00 |
O1-14 |
Combined magnetic field sensor with superconductive magnetic field concentrator. L.P. Ichkitidze. National Research University of Electronic Technology “MIET”, MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia . |
18.20 |
O1-15 |
Comparative parameters of superconductor-based sensors of weak magnetic fields. L.P. Ichkitidze1, M.L. Gavryushina2. 1. National Research University of Electronic Technology “MIET”, Zelenograd, Russia. 2. Bazovye Technologii JSC, Moscow, Russia . |
Auditorium A
Session 5. Quantum Informatics III
Session Chairman: Sergey Moiseev, Kazan Physical and Technical Institute, RAS, Kazan, Russia
17.00 |
q1-05 |
INVITED: Spatial structure of two-photon and thermal light. S.P. Kulik, S.S. Straupe, I. Bobrov. Faculty of Physics, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia . |
17.30 |
q1-06 |
Biphoton spectrum control . N. Borschevskaya1, I. Dyakonov1, K. Katamadze1,2, S. Kulik1, A. Paterova 1 . 1. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia . |
17.50 |
q1-07 |
Quantization effects observed in asymmetric rings. V.L. Gurtovoi, A.I. Ilin, A.V. Nikulov, V.A. Tulin . Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow District, Russia . |
18.10 |
q1-08 |
Quantum communication with Bose-Einstein condensates . A.N. Pyrkov , T. Byrnes . National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan . |
18.30 |
q1-09 |
Effect of image charges on a space qubit evolution, V. Vyurkov, M. Rudenko, S. Filippov. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 6. Simulation and Modeling II
Session Chairman: Vladimir Vuyrkov, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
17.00 |
O1-16 |
A dynamic simulation model for functionally-integrated injection laser-modulator. B. Konoplev1, E. Ryndin2, M. Denisenko1. 1. Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia. 2. Souther Scientific Center of RAS, Rostov-na-Donu, Russia . |
17.20 |
O1-17 |
Computationally efficient methods for optical simulation of solar cells and their applications. M. Zanuccoli1, I. Semenikhin2, V. Vyurkov2, E. Sangiorgi1, C. Fiegna1. 1. ARCES-DEI University of Bologna & IUNET, Cesena (FC), Italy. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
17.40 |
O1-18 |
Optical absorption of silicon layer with incorporated nano-voids and metal nanoparticles . V. Shautsova, P. Gaiduk . Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. |
18.00 |
O1-19 |
Simulation of resonant tunneling devices based on different materials . I.I. Abramov, N.V. Kolomejtseva, I.A. Romanova, A.G. Klimovich. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus. |
18.20 |
O1-20 |
Electronic structure of magnetic nanoclusters of cobalt and nickel silicides. A. Tuchin 1, L. Bityutskaya1, A. Lazarev2, A. Sigov3. 1. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia. 2. “Rosbiokvant” Ltd.,Voronezh, Russia. 3. MIREA, Moscow, Russia . |
19.00 Dinner
Wednesday, October 3rd 2012
8.15 Breakfast
Conference Hall
Plenary Session III
Session Chairman: Vladimir Lukichev, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
09.00 |
L2-01 |
INVITED: Graphene-based infrared and terahertz detectors: Concepts, features, and comparison . V. Ryzhii 1 , T. Otsuji1, M. Ryzhii2, V. Mitin3, M.S. Shur4 . 1 Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 2 University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. 3 University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, USA, 4 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA . |
09.40 |
L2-02 |
INVITED: Terahertz-wave generation using graphene – toward the creation of graphene injection lasers . T. Otsuji 1 , A. Satou1, S.A. Boubanga Tombet1, M. Ryzhii2, V. Ryzhii1. 1. Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 2. Computational Nano-Electronics Laboratory, University of Aizu, Japan . |
10.20 |
L2-03 |
INVITED: Perspective applications for 3C-SiC on silicon technology. F. Iacopi, L. Wang, G. Walker, L. Hold, B. Cunning, J. Han, P. Tanner, A. Iacopi, S. Dimitrijev. Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Facility, Griffith University, Australia . |
11.00 – 11.20 Coffee break
Conference Hall
Session 7. Advanced Lithography
Session Chairman: Vladimir Lukichev, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
11.20 |
O2-01 |
INVITED: Carbone nanotubes and nanostructures ? multifunctional materials for emission electronics. Yu.V. Gulyaev. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Russia. |
11.50 |
O2-02 |
INVITED: Research activity in field of Projection XEUV Lithography in IPM RAS. N.N. Salashchenko, N.I. Chkhalo. Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS, Russia . |
12.20 |
O2-03 |
Next Generation Lithography – fundamental problems . S.I. Zaitsev . IMT RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
12.40 |
O2-04 |
NANOMAKER – the electron lithography tool for ultimate resolution. B.N. Gaifullin1, I.S. Stepanov1, A.A. Svintsov2, S.I. Zaitsev2. 1. Interface Ltd, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS , Chernogolovka, Russia . |
Auditorium A
Session 8. Quantum Informatics IV
Session Chairman: Leonid Fedichkin, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS , Moscow, Russia
11.20 |
q2-01 |
Quantum information and spectroscopy of cold Rydberg atoms. I.I. Ryabtsev, I.I. Beterov, D.B. Tretyakov, V.M. Entin, E.A. Yakshina. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
11.40 |
q2-02 |
Creating a single-atom array for quantum computation using Rydberg blockade in an atomic ensemble. D.B. Tretyakov , I.I. Beterov, V.M. Entin, E.A. Yakshina, and I.I. Ryabtsev. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
12.00 |
q2-03 |
Integrated diamond nanostructures for quantum informatics. V . P . Popov 1 , L . N . Safronov 1 , V . A . Antonov 1 , S . N . Podlesnyi 1 , A . V . Shishaev 1 , I . I . Ryabtsev 1 , N . Kupriyanov 2 , Yu . N . Pal ‘ yanov 2 . 1. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. 2. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
12.20 |
q2-04 |
Color centers in nanodiamonds of different origin. I.I. Vlasov1 , V.G. Ralchenko1, O. Shenderova2, A.A. Shiryaev3, A.A. Khomich1, V.S. Sedov1, M.S. Komlenok1, V.S. Pavelyev4,5, K.N. Tukmakov5, S. Turner6, F. Jelezko 7, J. Wrachtrup8, V.I. Konov1. 1 General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2 International Technology Centre, Raleigh, USA. 3 Institute of Physical Chemistry, RAS, Russia. 4Image Processing Systems Institute RAS, Samara, Russia. 5Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russia. 6 EMAT, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium. 7Institute for Quantum Optics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany. 8Physical Institute and Research Center SCOPE, Stuttart University, Stuttgart, Germany . |
12.40 |
q2-05 |
Quantum register based on structured diamond waveguide with NV centers. A.V. Tsukanov, I.Yu. Kateev, A.A. Orlikovsky. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 9. Workshop Silicon-on-Insulator I
Session Chairmen: Alexander Orlikovsky, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
11.20 |
W2-01 |
INVITED: Random telegraph noise diagnostics of nanowire SOI MOSFETs. A.N. Nazarov1, I. Ferain2, R. Yu2, A. Kranti2, P. Razavi2. 1. V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. 2. Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland . |
11.45 |
W2-02 |
INVITED: SOI structure with Si-nanoclusters embedded in the oxide layer prepared by low-dose co-implantation. V. Litovchenko, B. Romanyuk, V. Ìå lniê , O. Oberemok, V. Popov, A. Sarikov. V. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine . |
12.10 |
W2-03 |
Quantum noise in field-effect nanotransistors. V. Vyurkov, S. Filippov, I. Semenikhin, A. Orlikovsky. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
12.30 |
W2-04 |
Revision of interface coupling in ultra-thin body SOI MOSFETs. T. Rudenko1, A. Nazarov1, V. Kilchytska2, D. Flandre2. 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2. ICTEAM Institute, Universite catholique de Louvain . |
12.50 |
W2-05 |
Noise characteristics of nanoscaled SOI MOSFETs. N. Lukyanchikova1, N. Garbar1, V. Kudina1, A. Smolanska1, E. Simoen2, C. Claeys2,3 . 1. V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. 2. IMEC, Leuven, Belgium. 3. KU Leuven, Belgium . |
13.10-14.00 Lunch
Conference Hall
Session 10. Workshop Silicon-on-Insulator II
Session Chairmen: Alexey Nazarov , Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
14.00 |
W2-06 |
INVITED: Threshold voltage of advanced MOSFETs: Physical criteria and experimental extraction methods. T. Rudenko1, A. Nazarov1, V. Kilchytska2, D. Flandre2. 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2. ICTEAM Institute, Universite catholique de Louvain . |
14.30 |
W2-07 |
Electrical characterization of high-k gate dielectrics for future CMOS technology. Y.Y. Gomeniuk 1 , Y.V. Gomeniuk1, A.N. Nazarov1, I.P. Tyagulskii1, V.S. Lysenko1, K. Cherkaoui 2, S. Monaghan2, P.K. Hurley2. 1. V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. 2. Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Ireland . |
1 4. 50 |
W2-08 |
The mobility models for TCAD simulation of extremely thin nanoscale SOI MOSFETs . Y. Chaplygin, A. Krasjukov, T. Krupkina, I. Titova . National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia . |
15.10 |
W2-09 |
SOI CMOS RadHard SRAM 256K, 1M, and 4M . N. Alieva1, A. Belous1, V. Bondarenko2, L. Dolgyi2, E. Lozitskyi1, S. Soroka 1, G. Usov1, A. Turzevich1, S. Shvedov1 . 1. “Integral” Join Stock Company, Minsk, Belarus. 2. Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus . |
15.30 |
W2-10 |
Carrier mobility in SOI layers with bonded interface. O.V. Naumova, B.I. Fomin, V.P. Popov . Institute of Semiconductor Physics, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
Auditorium A
Session 11. Quantum Informatics V
Session Chairman: Eduard Fel’dman, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS, Russia
14.00 |
q2-0 6 |
INVITED: Charge pumping with Coulomb blockade devices . Yu.A. Pashkin . Physics Department, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, NEC Smart Energy Research Laboratories and RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Tsukuba, Japan . |
14.30 |
q2-07 |
Quantum discord in Materials with electron and nuclear spins. M.A. Yurishchev. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
14.50 |
q2-08 |
On the time-optimal implementation of quantum Fourier transformation for qudits represented by quadrupole nucleus. V.P. Shauro, V.E. Zobov. L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia . |
15.10 |
q2-09 |
A spin chain under the pulse conditions as a quantum data channel. M.M. Kutcherov. Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia . |
15.30 |
q2-1 0 |
A unitary invariant measure of quantum correlations. A.I. Zenchuk. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
15.50 |
q2-11 |
Quantum correlations in a nanopore filled with a gas of spin-carrying molecules (atoms) in a strong magnetic field. E.B. Fel’dman, E.I. Kuznetsova, M.A. Yurishchev. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 12. Magnetic Micro- and Nanostructures
Session Chairman: Mikhail Chuev, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
14.00 |
O2-05 |
INVITED: On the thermodynamics of antiferromagnetic nanoparticles and macroscopic quantum effects observed by M o ssbauer spectroscopy. M.A. Chuev. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow , Russia . |
14.30 |
O2-06 |
Characterization of nanoparticles in a media using multilevel models of magnetic dynamics . I. Mischenko 1 , M. Chuev 1 , V. Cherepanov 2 , M. Polikarpov 2 , V. Panchenko 2 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia . |
14.50 |
O2-07 |
The effect of technological factors on micromagnetic states of magnetic nanostructures . O.S. Trushin 1 , V.V. Naumov1, V.F. Bochkarev1, N. Barabanova2, V.A. Paporkov2 . 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
15.10 |
O2-08 |
Magnetoresistance of multilayer ferromagnetic nanoparticles . S.N. Vdovichev, B.A. Gribkov, S.A. Gusev, A.Yu. Klimov, V.L. Mironov, I.M. Nefedov, V.V. Rogov, A.A. Fraerman, I.A. Shereshevskii . Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia . |
15.30 |
O2-09 |
Magnetic logical cells based on domain wall pinning effects in ferromagnetic nanowire-nanoparticles systems . V.L. Mironov , O.L. Ermolaeva, E.V.Skorohodov, A.Yu. Klimov . Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia . |
15.50 |
O2-10 |
Field-induced transitions in ferrimagnetic chain of spins: stability of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. M. Kostyuchenko. Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
16.10-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.30 Entresol. POSTER SESSION I
Bottom hall. EXHIBITION
19.00 Dinner
Thursday, October 4th 2012
08.15 Breakfast
Conference Hall
Session 13 . Micro- and Nanodevices I
Session Chairman: Vladimir Vuyrkov, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
9 .00 |
O3-01 |
Current state and new prospects of semiconductor infrared photoelectronics . V. Ponomarenko1,2, A. Filachev1. 1. R&P Association “Orion”, Moscow, Russia. 2. MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia . |
9.20 |
O3-02 |
Silicon nanowire field effect transistor with highly doped leads . S. Amitonov 1 , D. Presnov1,2, K. Rudenko3, V. Rudakov3, V. Krupenin1 . 1. Laboratory of Cryoelectronics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
9.40 |
O3-03 |
Electronic band alignment and electron transport in Cr/BaTiO3/Pt ferroelectric tunnel junctions . A. Zenkevich 1 , M. Minnekaev 1 , Yu. Matveyev 1 , Yu. Lebedinskii 1 , K. Bulakh 2 , A. Chouprik 2 , A. Baturin 2 , S. Thiess 2 , W. Drube 2 . 1. National Research Nuclear University “Moscow Engineering Physics Institute”, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 3. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany . |
1 0. 00 |
O3-04 |
A gold free fully copper metalized GaAs pHEMT for the high frequency applications. E. Erofeev 1 , V. Kagadei1, A. Kazimirov2. 1. Research and Production Company “Micran”, Tomsk, Russia. 2. Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Communication Systems, Tomsk, Russia . |
Auditorium A
Session 14. Metrology and Characterization
Session Chairman: Konstantin Rudenko, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
09.00 |
O3-05 |
Measurement of thickness of a layer of natural silicon oxide being on a test relief pitch structure, created on a substrate of monocrystalline silicon. M.N. Filippova,b,c, V.P. Gavrilenkoa,c, A.A. Kuzina,c, A.Yu. Kuzinc, A.A. Kuzmina,c, V.B. Mityukhlyaeva, A.V. Rakova, P.A. Toduaa,c, A.V. Zablotskiya,c . a Center for Surface and Vacuum Research, Moscow, Russia; b N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia; cNational Research University “Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology”, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia . /p> |
09.20 |
O3-06 |
Characterization of graphene layers grown using Ni/a-SiC bi-layer as a precursor. A.V. Vasin1, S.A. Gordienko1, P.M. Lytvyn1, V.V. Strelchuk1, A.S. Nikolaenko 1, A.N. Nazarov1, A.V. Rusavsky1, V.S. Lysenko1, V. Popov2. 1. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. 2. Institute of Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
9.40 |
O3-07 |
Characterization of semiconductor heterostrucrures using Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry . B. Ber 1,2 , A. Merkulov 3 . 1. A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, RAS, St Petersburg, Russia; 2. Center of Multi-User Equipment “Material Science and Characterization for Advanced Technologies”, St Petersburg, Russia. 3. CAMECA SAS, Gennevilliers, Cedex, France . |
10.00 |
O3-08 |
Determination of the state of non-volatile memory cell with the floating gate by using scanning probe microscopy . D. Hanzii 1 , E. Kelm 2 , N. Luapunov 2 , R. Milovanov 2 , G. Molodcova 2 , M. Yanul 1 , D. Zubov 2 . 1. NT-MDT, Zelenograd, Russia. 2. Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
10.20 |
O3-09 |
Mechanisms of image formation in SEM. Yu.V. Larionov, Yu.A. Novikov . A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
10.40 |
O3-10 |
Virtual scanning electron microscope . Yu.V. Larionov , Yu.A. Novikov . A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 15. Micro- and Nanoelectronic Structures I
Session Chairman: Igor Neizvestnyi, A.V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
09.00 |
O3-11 |
Formation mechanism and properties of Ge quasicrystalline nanoclusters in SiOx matrix. Yu.N. Kozyrev1, M.Yu. Rubezhanska1, V.S. Lysenko2, S.V. Kondratenko3, V.P. Kladko2, Yu.V. Gomeniuk2, Ye.Ye. Melnichuk3. 1. O.O. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine. 3. Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Ukraine. |
09.20 |
O3-12 |
Photoluminescence of Si layers on grown SiO2 and optical resonant structures . A.A. Shklyaev 1, 2 , D.V. Gulyaev1, D.E. Utkin1, A.V. Tsarev1, A.V. Dvurechenskii1, A.V.Latyshev1, 2 . 1. A .V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia . |
9.40 |
O3-13 |
Influence of metamorphic buffer design on electrophysical and structural properties of MHEMT nanoheterostructures In0.7Al 0.3As/In0.7Ga0.3As/In0.7Al0.3As/GaAs. S.S. Pushkarev1,2, G.B. Galiev1, E.A. Klimov1, D.V. Lavrukhin1, I.S. Vasil’evskii 2, R.M. Imamov3, I.A. Subbotin3, O.M. Zhigalina3, V.G. Zhigalina3, P.A. Buffat4, B. Dwir4, Å .I. Suvorova 3,4 . 1. Institute of Ultrahigh Frequency Semiconductor Electronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. National Nuclear Research University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia. 3. A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of RAS, Moscow, Russia. 4. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland . |
10.00 |
O3-14 |
GaN layers with low dislocation density and high electron mobility grown by high-temperature ammonia-MBE . S.I. Petrov1, A.N. Alexeev1, D.M. Krasovitsky2, V.P. Chaly2, V.V. Mamaev1 . 1. SemiTEq JSC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 2. Svetlana-Rost JSC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia . |
10.20 |
O3-15 |
Formation, optical, electrical, and thermoelectrical properties of silicon nanocomposites with embedded Mg2Si nanocrystallites . K.N. Galkin1, S.V. Vavanova1, N.G. Galkin1, R. Kudrawiec2, E. Zielony2, A. Misiewicz2 . 1. Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladovostok, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland . |
10.40 |
O3-16 |
Laser pulse crystallization and optical properties of Si/SiO2 and Si/Si3N4 multilayer nano-heterostructures . V . A . Volodin 1 , S .A. Arzhannikova1 , A.A. Gismatulin 1 , G.N. Kamaev1, A.H. Antonenko1, S.G. Cherkova1, S.A. Kochubei1, A.A. Popov2, H. Rinnert3, and M. Vergnat3 . 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, RAS; Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia. 2. Yaroslavl Department of FTI RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 3. Institut Jean Lamour UMR CNRS – Nancy Universite – UPV Metz, Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, Vand?uvre-les-Nancy Cedex, France . |
11.00-11.20 Coffee break
Conference Hall
Session 16. Plasma and Ion Beam Technologies I
Session Chairman: Konstantin Rudenko, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
11.20 |
O3-17 |
INVITED: Fundamentals and applications of Plasma ALD in nanoelectronics . Ch. Hodson. Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, UK. |
11.50 |
O3-18 |
INVITED: Applications of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation for advanced micro/nano electronics: Challenges and case samples using IBS PULSION R Tool . F. Torregrosa 1 , J. Duchaine1, S. Spiegel1, G. Borvon1, F. Milesi2, K. Hassouni3, K. Maury 3 . 1. IBS, ZI Peynier Rousset, Peynier, France. 2. CEA-Leti MINATEC Campus, Grenoble Cedex 9, France. 3. Laboratoire des Sciences des Procedes et des Materiaux, LSPM, CNRS-UPR3407 Universite Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France . |
12. 20 |
O3-19 |
Comparative investigation of ultra-shallow boron implantation into bulk silicon and SOI structures by PIII technique . A. Miakonkikh 1 , K. Rudenko1, V. Rudakov2, A. Orlikovsky1 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Yaroslavl Branch of Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
12.40 |
O3-20 |
Etching characteristics of GaAs in CCl2F2/Ar inductively coupled plasma . D.B. Murin, V.I. Svettsov, A.M. Efremov, A.E. Leventsov . Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo, Russia . |
13.00 |
O3-21 |
The effects of additive gases (Ar, N2, H2, Cl2, O2) on HCl plasma parameters and composition. A. Efremov, A. Yudina, A. Davlyatshina, V. Svettsov . Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo, Russia . |
Auditorium A
Session 17. Quantum Informatics VI
Session Chairman: Farid Ablayev, Institute for Informatics of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia
11.20 |
q3-01 |
INVITED: Entanglement in a system of harmonic oscillators . Yu. Ozhigov . Moscow State University; Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
11.50 |
q3-02 |
The strong influence of weak observers on the electron dynamics in large coupled quantum dots clusters . L. Fedichkin 1,2,3 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. 3. NIX, Moscow, Russia . |
12.10 |
q3-03 |
Analysis of quantum processes: methods and results . A.Yu. Chernyavskiy 1,2 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
12.30 |
q3-04 |
Entanglement-annihilating quantum dynamical processes . S.N. Filippov 1,2 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia . |
12.50 |
q3-05 |
Euclidean qubits versus conventional quantum circuits . A.Yu. Vlasov 1,2 . 1. Federal Radiology Center, IRH, St.-Petersburg, Russia. 2. A. Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics, St.-Petersburg, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 18. Micro- and Nanoelectronic Structures II
Session Chairman: Oleg Trushin , Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia
11.20 |
O3-22 |
The conductive layers on the base of multiwalled carbon nanotubes . L.P. Ichkitidze 1 , B.M. Putrya1, S.V. Selishchev1, E.V. Blagov2, A.A. Pavlov2, V.A. Galperin3 , E.P. Kitsyuk3, Yu.P. Shaman3. 1. National Research University of Electronic Technology “MIET” , MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 3. Scientific-Manufacturing Complex “Technological Centre”, MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia. |
11.40 |
O3-23 |
Investigation of nucleation and field emission characteristics of carbon nanowalls grown on porous silicon . S. Evlashin,Y. Mankelevich, A. Pilevskii, V. Borisov, P. Shevnin, A. Stepanov, N. Suetin, A. Rakhimov . Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia . |
12.00 |
O3-24 |
Properties of thin HfO2 gate dielectric formed by plasma ALD process . A. Miakonkikh , A. Rogozhin, K. Rudenko, A. Orlikovsky . Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
12.20 |
O3-25 |
Effect of nanodimensional polyethylenimine layer on surface potential barriers of hybrid structures based on silicon single crystal . I.V. Malyar, D.A. Gorin, S.V. Stetsyura. Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia . |
12.40 |
O3-26 |
Possible influence of nanoobjects on properties of nanomaterials. S.P. Timoshenkov, I.M. Britkov, O.M. Britkov, S. Evstafiev, A.S. Timoshenkov, B.M. Simonov, E.P. Prokopev. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “National Research University “MIET”, Zelenograd, Russia . |
13.20-14.00 Lunch
Conference Hall
Session 19. Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems
Session Chairman: Sergey Timoshenkov, National Research University of Electronic Technology, Microelectronics Dept., Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia .
14.00 |
O3-27 |
INVITED: The physical and technological problems in design of pressure sensors with nano-scale piezoresistors. I. Neizvestnyi1, G. Kamaev1, V. Gridchin2, A. Cherkaev2. 1 A.V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
14.30 |
O3-28 |
Design and fabrication of piezoelectric MEMS. S. Timoshenkov, V. Vodopyanov, N. Korobova. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Department of Microelectronics, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia . |
14.50 |
O3-29 |
New electronic system converter linear acceleration with custom output characteristics . S. Timoshenkov , A. Timoshenkov, A. Shalimov . National Research University of Electronic Technology, Microelectronics Dept., Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia . |
15.10 |
O3-30 |
Resonance properties of multilayer metallic nanocantilevers . I. Uvarov, V. Naumov, I. Amirov. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
15.30 |
O3-31 |
Modeling of two-axis micromechanical gyroscope-accelerometer. I.E. Lysenko. Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia . |
1 5. 50 |
O3-32 |
Matrix propulsion microthruster for nanosatelites . V. Bondarenko 1 , K. Dobrego2, L. Dolgyi1, A. Klushko1, E.Chubenko1, S. Futko2 . 1. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus. 2. A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,Minsk, Belarus . |
Auditorium A
Session 20. Quantum Informatics VII
Session Chairman: Yuri Ozhigov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
14.00 |
q3-06 |
On the validity of neoclassical theory of the Compton effect for revision and reformulation of the standard quantum mechanics interpretation. V.V. Aristov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
14.20 |
q3-07 |
Why quantum computing can be real only in multiple universes . V.V. Aristov, A.V. Nikulov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
14.40 |
q3-08 |
Simulations of adiabatic and nonadiabatic chemical reactions in condensed media. K. Arakelov. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia . |
15.00 |
q3-09 |
Quantum implication and strategies for multi-agent models . A.A Ezhov, A.G. Khromov, S.S. Terentyeva . Science Research Center of Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, city district Troitsk, Moscow, Russia . |
Auditorium B
Session 21. Plasma and Ion Beam Technologies II
Session Chairman: Alexander Efremov , Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo, Russia
14.00 |
O3-33 |
INVITED: Formation of Nanoscale Structures by Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching . C. Welch. Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, UK. |
14.3 0 |
O3-34 |
Plasma etching of silicon for MEMS and optical applications: Comparison of RIE, Bosch and cryogenic processes . I. Amirov1, V. Lukichev1, V. Yunkin2. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia . |
14.5 0 |
O3-35 |
Low-temperature synthesis of carbon nanotubes by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. V.A. Galperin, A.A. Pavlov, Yu.P. Shaman, A.A. Shamanaev, S.N. Skorik . Scientific-Manufacturing Complex “Technological Centre”, Moscow, Russia . |
15.1 0 |
O3-36 |
Photovoltaic properties of porous-Si:He/Si structure produced by plasma immersion ion implantation . A. Rogozhin , A. Miakonkikh, K. Rudenko . Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia . |
15.3 0 |
O3-37 |
On a way to fabrication technology of u ltra thin Si on sapphire. V. Chernysh 1 , A. Shemukhin2, Yu. Balakshin1, N. Egorov3, V. Goncharov3, S. Golubkov3, A. Sidorov3, B. Malukov3, V. Statsenko4, V. Chumak4 . 1. Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 3. Research Institute of Material Science and Technology, Zelenograd, Russia. 4. Epiel Joint Stock Company , Zelenograd, Russia . |
1 5.50 |
O3-38 |
Nonlinear waves and structures induced by ion bombardment of solids . S. Krivelevich1, D. Korshunova2, N. Pron2 . 1. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology , RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia. 2. Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia . |
16.10-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.30 Entresol. POSTER SESSION II
Bottom hall. EXHIBITION
À . À . Orlikovsky, Program Committee Chair,
Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Friday, October 5th, 2012
09.00 Breakfast
Scientific programme – 2009
Monday, October 5th, 2009
9.00 – …Registration & Accommodation
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
Conference hall
Special Session. Presentations of Hi-Tech Companies
14.30 |
S-00/1 |
Milestones of analytical FE-SEM technology – Zeiss Merlin System. Uwe Anton Schubert, Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Germany. |
15.00 |
S-00/2 |
Electron beam lithography tools for nanoelectronic devices. Leonid Litvin, Raith GmbH, Germany |
15.30 |
S-00/3 |
Applications of Electron Beam Lithography. Martin Kirchner, Raith GmbH, Germany |
16.00 |
S-01 |
JEOL Industrial Electron Beam Lithography Systems. Mr. Kamide, General Manager of JEOL Semiconductors Equipment Department |
16.30 |
S-02 |
Nanoimprint Lithography: Principles, Possibilities, and High Volume Manufacturing. Marc Beck. Eurotek, Inc., Germany |
17.00 |
S-03 |
TechnoInfo products overview. A. Kuznetsov. Technoinfo Ltd., London, UK |
17.30 |
S-04 |
Technological complexes for MEMS and NEMS research and development. Victor Bykov. NT-MDT Co., Zelenograd, Russia |
18.00 – Welcome Party
19.00 – Dinner
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009
8.15 – Breakfast
Conference hall
E.P. Velikhov, Conference Chair, RSC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow
K.A. Valiev, Program Chair, IPT RAS, Moscow
Plenary Session I
Session Chairman: Alexander Orlikovsky, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
9.00 |
L1-01 |
KEYNOTE: Nanoelectronic devices and materials for the end of the roadmap. G. Ghibaudo and F. Balestra. IMEP-LAHC, Minatec (CNRS-Grenoble INP, UJF, US), Grenoble, France |
9.40 |
L1-02 |
KEYNOTE: Challenges of Advanced Interconnects: from Cu/low-k to Wireless. T. Kikkawa. Research Institute for Nanodevice and Bio Systems, Hiroshima University, Japan. |
10.20 |
L1-03 |
INVITED: Electromigration theory and its applications to integrated circuit metallization. T. Makhviladze, M. Sarychev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
11.00 |
L1-04 |
INVITED: IMEC: from aggressive CMOS scaling to Nanomaterials. Mikhail Baklanov and Patric Verbist. Interuniversitair Microelectronica Centrum (IMEC), Leuven, Belgium. |
11.40-12.00 Coffee break. Winter garden
Conference Hall
Session 1. Advanced Lithography
Session Chairman: Vladimir Lukichev, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
12.00 |
L1-05 |
INVITED: Immersion Lithography and Double Patterning in Advanced Microelectronics. T. Vandeweyer, J. Bekaert, M. Ercken, R. Gronheid, A. Miller, V. Truffert, J. Versluijs, V. Wiaux, P. Wong, G. Vandenberghe, M. Maenhoudt. IMEC vzw, Leuven, Belgium |
12.30 |
O1-01 |
Projection photolithography modeling using the finite-difference time-domain approach. T. Makhviladze, M. Sarychev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. |
12.50 |
O1-02 |
Influence of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of thin multilayer EUV filters containing Zr, Mo and silicides of these metals. N.I. Chkhalo1, S.A. Gusev1, M.N. Drozdov1, E. B. Kluenkov1, A.Ya. Lopatin1, V.I. Luchin1, A.E. Pestov1, N.N. Salashchenko1, L.A. Shmaenok2, N.N. Tsybin1. 1. Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 2. PhysTeX, Vaals, Netherlands Institute of Semiconductor. |
13.10 |
O1-03 |
Manufacturing of diffraction quality optical elements for high resolution optical systems. N.I. Chkhalo, A.E. Pestov, N.N. Salashchenko, M.N. Toropov. Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
Auditorium A
Session 2. Simulation and Modeling I
Session Chairman: Vladimir Vyurkov, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
12.00 |
O1-04 |
Nanoelectronic device simulation software system NANODEV: New opportunities. I.I. Abramov, A.L. Baranoff, I.A. Goncharenko, N.V. Kolomejtseva, Y.L. Bely. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus. |
12.20 |
O1-05 |
The charge sharing inside the layers of nano- CMOS integrated structures under controllable substrate biasing. T. Krupkina, D. Rodionov, A. Shvets, I. Titova. Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, Moscow, Russia |
12.40 |
O1-06 |
Analysis of lateral thermal SOA for smart power IC’s. Yu. Chaplygin, А. Krasukov, E. Artamonova. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University |
13.00 |
O1-07 |
Advanced atomic-scale simulation of silicon nitride CVD from dichlorosilane and ammonia. T. Makhviladze, A. Minushev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
Auditorium B
Session 3. Photonics and Optoelectronics I
Session Chairman: Sergey Nikitov, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS, Russia
12.00 |
O1-08 |
One-dimensional Photonic Crystals on Silicon as Optical Elements for Integrated Microphotonics. V. Tolmachev1, E. Astrova1, T. Perova2. 1. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2. Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland |
12.20 |
O1-09 |
Reduction of noise in atomic system driven by squeezed coherent field. A. Gelman, V. Mironov. Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod , Russia |
12.40 |
O1-10 |
Enhancement of Optical Properties by Surface Nanostructuring. V.V. Nanumov1 , V.A. Paporkov2 , N.A. Rud2 , E.I. Vaganova1 , A.V. Prokaznikov1. 1. Yaroslavl Branch of Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia 2. Yaroslavl State University named after Demidov P.G., Yaroslavl, Russia |
13.00 |
O1-11 |
Excitation dependence of infrared emission at 1.5-1.6 µm from defect-rich Si layers. A.A. Shklyaev1,2, A.B. Latyshev1,2, M. Ichikawa3 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 3. Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
13.30-14.30 Lunch
Conference Hall
Session 4. Nanodevices and Nanostructures I
Session Chairman: Vitaly Aristov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS, Russia
14.30 |
O1-12 |
Electronic transport in heterogeneous nanometer FET channels. V. P. Popov. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia |
14.50 |
O1-13 |
Ballistic and Pseudo-Relativistic Carrier Transport in Graphene. G. I. Zebrev. Micro- and Nanoelectronics Department, National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia |
15.10 |
O1-14 |
Comparative studies of single- and double-nanocrystal layer NVM structures: charge accumulation and retention. V. Turchanikov1, V. Ievtukh1, A. Nazarov1, V. Lysenko1, M. Theodoropoulou2, A.G. Nassiopoulou2 . 1. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2. IMEL/NCSR Demokritos, Athens-Greece |
15.30 |
O1-15 |
Silicon nanoballs recharging in plasma-chemical oxide of nanometric thickness. M.D. Efremov1,2, S.A. Arzhannikova1,2, V.A. Volodin1,2, G.N. Kamaev1,2, S.A. Kochubei1, I.G. Neizvestny1 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia |
15.50 |
O1-16 |
Charges and states in nitrided buried dielectrics of SOI structures. V. P. Popov, I.E. Tyschenko. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
Auditorium A
Session 5. Superconducting Structures and Devices I
Session Chairman: Vladimir Lukichev, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
14.30 |
L1-06 |
INVITED: Thermo-Electric Charge-to-Voltage Converter with an SIN Tunnel Junction for Bolometer Applications. L. Kuzmin. Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden. |
15.00 |
O1-17 |
DC SQUID modulation electronics for operation with HTS DC SQUID magnetometers in the unshielded environment. E.V. Burmistrov, V.Yu. Slobodchikov, V.V. Khanin, Yu.V. Maslennikov. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Moscow, Russia |
15.20 |
O1-18 |
Properties of planar Nb/?-Si/Nb Josephson junctions with various doped degree of ?-Si interlayers. A.L. Gudkov, A.A. Gogin, A.I. Kozlov, A.N. Samys. CJSC “Compelst”, FSUE “SRIPP n. F.V. Lykin”, Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia |
15.40 |
O1-19 |
The theoretical analysis of the new microwave detector based on a Josephson heterostructure. I.A. Devyatov1, M.Yu. Kupriyanov2 . 1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 2. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia |
16.00 |
O1-20 |
«Сonventional» SQUIDs and quantum interferometers on matter waves in superfluid helium. A. Golovashkin1, G. Izmaїlov2, G. Kuleshova3, A. Tshovrebov1, L. Zherikhina1 . 1. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia; 2. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University), Moscow, Russia 3. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University) , Moscow, Russia |
Auditorium B
Session 6. Thin Films
Session Chairman: Andrey Vasiliev, FSU Enterprise“Pulsar”, Russia
14.30 |
O1-21 |
The thermodynamic theory of interfacial adhesion between materials containing point defects. R. Goldstein1, T. Makhviladze2, M. Sarychev2 1. Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia. |
14.50 |
O1-22 |
The thickness-dependence of the polariton effect in the single quantum well. Yu.V. Moskalev1, S.B. Moskovski2. 1. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia |
15.10 |
O1-23 |
CoSi2/TiO2/SiO2/Si gate structure formation. A.E. Rogozhin 1, I.A Khorin 1,2, V.V. Naumov 1, A.A. Orlikovsky 1, V.V. Ovcharov 1, V.I. Rudakov 1, A.G. Vasiliev 1,3 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2. Moscow State Institute of Radio-engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia, 3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Scientific & Product Enterprise “Pulsar”, Moscow , Russia |
15.30 |
O1-24 |
Local performances of PZT films with a thickness less than 100 nanometers. V.M Roshchin, M.V. Silibin. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technologies (Technical University), Zelenograd, Russia |
15.50 |
O1-25 |
Polysilicon Inductive Elements for IC’s. A.M. Pashayev, F.D. Kasimov., R.A. Ibragimov. National Academy of Aviation, Baku, Azerbaijan |
16.30-17.00 Coffee break. Winter garden.
Conference Hall
Session 7. Devices and ICs
Session Chairman: Boris Konoplev,
Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Russia
17.00 |
O1-26 |
SiGe and GaN heterostructure microwave devices. A.G. Vasiliev, Y.V. Kolkovsky, S.V. Korneev, A.A. Dorofeev, V.M. Minnebaev. FSUE “Science and Production Enterprise “Pulsar” Moscow, Russia |
17.20 |
O1-27 |
Methods of cache memory optimization for multimedia applications. A. Kravtsov. JSC Mikron, Moskow, Zelenograd, Russia |
17.40 |
O1-28 |
Integrated Injection Laser with Amplitude Modulation in Terahertz Band. B. Konoplev1,2, E. Ryndin2, M. Denisenko1. 1. Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia, 2. Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russia |
18.00 |
O1-29 |
Gas medium influence on characteristics stability of electroformed structures Si-SiO2-W and reliability of switching processes of memory elements on the basis of these structures. V.M. Mordvintsev, S.E. Kudryavtsev, V.L. Levin, L.A. Tsvetkova. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
18.20 |
O1-30 |
Low-resistance Ge/Au/Ni/Ti/Au based ohmic contact to n-GaAs. E. Erofeev1, V. Kagadei2. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Communication Systems, Tomsk, Russia, 2. Research and production company “Micran”, Tomsk, Russia |
Auditorium A
Session 8. Superconducting Structures and Devices II
Session Chairman: Mikhail Kupriyanov, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Russia.
17.00 |
O1-31 |
Manipulating superconductivity with magnetism: from unconventional physical effects to cryogenic spintronics. L.R. Tagirov. Solid State Physics Department, Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia |
17.20 |
O1-32 |
Magnetic field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition in PbTe/PbS heterostructures with superconducting interface. O. Yuzephovich1,2, S. Bengus1,2, M. Mikhailov1, A. Sipatov3, E. Buchstab4, N. Fogel4 1. Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov, Ukraine, 2. International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, Wroclaw, Poland 3. National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnical Institute” Kharkov, Ukraine 4. Solid State Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel |
17.40 |
O1-33 |
Could equilibrium noise be detected with help of series-connected asymmetric superconducting rings? V.L. Gurtovoi, A.I. Ilin, A.V. Nikulov, V.A. Tulin. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia |
18.00 |
O1-34 |
Superconductivity of polymers with charge injection doping. A.N. Ionov1, R. Rentzsch2. 1. A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2. Institut fur Experimentalphysik, Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
Auditorium B
Session 9. Photonics and Optoelectronics II
Session Chairman: Sergey Nikitov, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS, Russia
17.00 |
O1-35 |
CMOS color image sensors. Current state and aspects. V.A. Gergel1, I.V. Vanyushin2 . 1. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.2. LCC “SensorIС”, Moscow, Russia |
17.20 |
O1-36 |
Monolithic photodetector 32×32. A.V. Sorochkin, M.V. Yakushev, S.A. Dvoretsky, A.I. Kozlov, I.V. Sabinina, Y.G. Sidorov, B.I. Fomin, A.L. Aseev. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia |
17.40 |
O1-37 |
Improvement of Radiation Resistance of Multijunction Solar Cells by Application of Bragg Reflectors. V. Emelyanov, N. Kaluzhniy, S. Mintairov, M. Shvarts, V. Lantratov. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia |
18.00 |
O1-38 |
Polycrystalline Silicon Short Wave Photodetectors. F.D. Kasimov., N.G. Javadov. National Academy of Aviation, Baku, Azerbaijan |
19.00 Dinner
Wednesday, October 7th 2009
8.15 Breakfast
Conference hall
Plenary Session II. Quantum Informatics
Session Chairman: K.A.Valiev, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
8.50 |
Introductory Remarks: Quantum informatics and complex systems. Yu.I. Ozhigov. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
9.00 |
qL-01 |
INVITED: Quantum Mechanics as Emergent Phenomenon. A. Khrennikov. International center for mathematical modeling in physics, engineering and cognitive science, University of Vaxjo, Sweden |
9.30 |
qL-02 |
INVITED: Dynamical Decoupling Pushed to the Extreme. V.M. Akulin. Laboratoire Aime Cotton CNRS ,Orsay, France |
10.00 |
qL-03 |
INVITED: Tunneling without tunneling: wavefunction reduction in a mesoscopic qubit. J.A. Nesteroff and D. V. Averin. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA |
10.30 |
qL-04 |
INVITED: Superconducting Qubits. E. Il’ichev. Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany |
11.00 Coffee break
Conference Hall
Session 10. Carbon Nanostructures
Session Chairman: Anatoly Vyatkin, Institute of Microelectronics Technologies, RAS, Russia
11.20 |
L2-01 |
INVITED: Carbon nanostructures as new material for emission electronics. Yu. V. Gulyaev. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
12.00 |
O2-01 |
Linear-chain carbon films for micro- and nanoelectronics. N.D. Novikov, A.F. Alexandrov, M.B. Guseva, V.V. Khvostov, N.F. Savchenko, Yu.V. Korneeva. Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia |
12.20 |
O2-02 |
Fabrication of device structures from single-walled carbon nanotubes selectively grown on patterned catalytic layers. O.V. Kononenko 1 , V.N. Matveev 1 , Yu.A. Kasumov1, I.I. Khodos1, D.V. Matveev2, V.T. Volkov1, A.I. Il’in1, M.A. Knyazev1 1. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia. 2. Institute of Solid State Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia |
12.40 |
O2-03 |
CNS catalyst growth from carbonaceous substrate. E. Ilyichev, V. Inkin, D. Migunov, G. Petruhin, E. Poltoratskii, G. Rychkov, D. Shkodin. FSUE “Res. Inst. of Phys. Problems named after F.V. Lukin”, Zelenograd |
Auditorium A
Session 11. Quantum Informatics II
Session Chairman: Yuri Ozhigov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
11.20 |
q2-01 |
Simulation of entangled nuclei in two-atom association. B. Aksenov, Yu. Ozhigov. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
11.40 |
q2-02 |
Could the Schrodinger’s Cat be used as Quantum Bit? V.V. Aristov, A.V. Nikulov.Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia |
12.00 |
q2-03 |
Unified Statistical Method for Tomography of Quantum States by Purification. Yu.I. Bogdanov. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
12.20 |
q2-04 |
Information aspects of «which way» experiments with microparticles. Yu.I. Bogdanov1, K.A. Valiev1, S.A. Nuyanzin2, A.K. Gavrichenko1. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University),Zelenograd, Russia |
12.40 |
q2-05 |
Simulation of electron jumps in the collision of two hydrogen atoms. K. Burtniy1, Yu. Ozhigov1,2. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia 2. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
13.00 Lunch
Conference hall
Session 12. Ion and Plasma Processing
Session Chairman: Alexander Efremov, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Russia.
14.00 |
L2-02 |
INVITED: Evolution of Ion Implantation Technology Towards sub-45 nm Device Fabrication. S. I. Kondratenko, R. N. Reece, M. S. Ameen, M. A. Harris, and L. M. Rubin. Axcelis Technologies, 108 Cherry Hill Drive, Beverly, MA 01915 USA |
14.30 |
L2-03 |
INVITED: Challenges and future prospects in plasma etching processes. O. Joubert1, E. Pargon1, T. Chevolleau1, G. Cunge1, L. Vallier1, T. David2, S. Barnola2, T. Lill3. 1. LTM (CNRS-UJF-INPG), France 2. CEA-LETI, France. 3. Applied Materials Inc., Santa Clara, USA |
15.00 |
O2-04 |
The metal hard-mask approach for contact patterning. J.-F. de Marneffe, D. Goossens, D. Shamiryan, F. Lazzarino, Th. Conard, I. Hoflijk, H. Struyf and W. Boullart. IMEC v.z.w., Leuven, Belgium. |
15.20 |
O2-05 |
Impact of plasma exposure on organic low-k materials. E. Smirnov1,2, A. K. Ferchichi1, C. Huffman1, M. R. Baklanov1. 1. IMEC vzw, Heverlee, Belgium, 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia |
15.40 |
O2-06 |
Application of Langmuir probe technique in depositing plasmas for monitoring of etch process robustness and for end-point detection. A.V. Miakonkikh, K.V. Rudenko. Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS , Moscow, Russia. |
Auditorium A
Session 13. Quantum Informatics III
Session Chairman: A. Tsukanov, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
14.00 |
qL-05 |
INVITED: Quantum Measurement of Open Systems. L. Fedichkin. Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA |
14.30 |
q2-06 |
Quantum Entanglement and its Observation at Measurement of Magnetic Succeptibility and in Multiple Quantum NMR Experiments. E.B. Fel’dman. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region |
14.50 |
q2-07 |
The qubit states decoherence in antiferromagnet-based nuclear spin model of quantum register. A.A. Kokin1, V.A. Kokin2. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS , Moscow, Russia 2. Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS, Moscow Russia |
15.10 |
q2-08 |
Quantum Double Helix. A.Yu. Okulov. General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
15.30 |
q2-09 |
Time-optimal control of quantum dynamics of a quadrupole nucleus by NMR techniques. V.P. Shauro, V.E. Zobov. L.V.Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia |
15.50 |
q2-10 |
Resonant dipole-dipole interaction of a few cold Rydberg atoms in a magneto-optical trap. D.B. Tretyakov1, I.I. Beterov1, V.M. Entin1, I.I. Ryabtsev1, P.L. Chapovsky2 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
Auditorium B
Session 14. Simulation and Modeling II
Session Chairman: Tariel Makhviladze, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
14.00 |
O2-07 |
Mathematical modeling of a fast neutrals beam source neutralization channel. A.V. Degtyarev, V.P. Kudrya, Yu.P. Maishev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
14.20 |
O2-08 |
TCAD technique to simulate total dose effects in SOI MOSFETs. K. Petrosjanc, I. Kharitonov, E. Orekhov. Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University), Moscow, Russia |
14.40 |
O2-09 |
Optimization of near-surficial annealing for decreasing of depth of p-n-junction in semiconductor heterostructure. E.L. Pankratov. The Mathematical Department, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
15.00 |
O2-10 |
Research of current injection process in to the substrate during digital gate switching. T. Krupkina, D. Rodionov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), Moscow, Russia |
15.20 |
O2-11 |
Extrinsic Compact MOSFET Model with Correct Account of Positive Differential Conductivity after Saturation. V.O. Turin1, A.V. Sedov1, G.I. Zebrev2, B. Iniguez3,M.S. Shur4 1. Orel State Technical University, Orel, Russia, 2. National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia, 3. Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain, 4. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA |
15.40 |
O2-12 |
Informational charge readout dynamics and non-linearity of photosignal characteristics of active pixels in CMOS image sensors. A.V. Verhovtseva, V.A. Gergel’, V.A. Zimoglyad. LLC RPC «SensorIS», Moscow, Russia |
16.10 Coffee break
16.30 Entresol. POSTER SESSION I
16.30. Bottom hall. EXHIBITION
17.00. Conference Hall. Presentations of Hi-Tech Companies
17.00 |
S-05 |
Surface Metrology measurements; from nanometer to millimeter scale. P. Markus. Veeco Instruments Inc., USA |
17.30 |
S-06 |
Advances in Cryofree Ultra-Low-Temperatures and integrated high magnetic fields. S. Mitchinson. Oxford Instruments Nanosciences Ltd., UK |
19.00 Dinner
Thursday, October 8th 2009
08.15 Breakfast
Conference hall
Session 15. Nanostructures Fabrication Techniques
Session Chairman: Anatoly Vyatkin, Institute of Microelectronics Technologies, RAS, Russia
09.00 |
О3-01 |
Nucleation and growth of Ge nanoislands on pit-patterned Si substrates. J.V. Smagina1, P.L. Novikov1, A.S. Deryabin1, E.E. Rodyakina, D.A. Nasimov1, B.I. Fomin1, V.A. Zinovyev1, A.V. Dvurechenskii1,2 . 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RA , Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia. |
09.20 |
O3-02 |
Nanoscale Si/SiO2 superlattices produced by plasma-chemical technology. S.A. Arzhannikova1,2, M.D. Efremov1,2, A.Kh. Antonenko1,2, V.A. Volodin1,2, G.N. Kamaev1,2, D.V. Marin1,2, S.A. Kochubei1, A.A. Voschenkov1 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia |
09.40 |
O3-03 |
Impurity activation and nanocrystals formation using excimer lasers. M.D. Efremov1,2, S.A. Arzhannikova1,2, V.A. Volodin1,2, G.N. Kamaev1,2, S.A. Kochubei1, I.G. Neizvestny1. 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia |
10.00 |
O3-04 |
Femtosecond and nanosecond laser assistant formation of Si nanoclusters in silicon-rich nitride films. V.A. Volodin1,2, T.T. Korchagina1, G.N. Kamaev1, A.H. Antonenko1, J. Koch3, B.N. Chichkov3. 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, , Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia. 3. Laser Zentrum Hannover, Hannover, Germany |
10.20 |
O3-05 |
Optical diagnostics of GaAs nanoheterostructures growth processes. I.P. Kazakov, E.V. Glazyrin, V.I. Tsekhosh. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
10.40 |
O3-06 |
Low voltage micro lens ion beam column for nano-patterning with resolution of 1.5?2 nm. Numerical simulation and prospects. V.A. Zhukov1, S. Kalbitzer2, A. I. Titov3 1. Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2. Ion Beam Technology, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany, 3. St. Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Auditorium A
Session 16. Quantum Informatics IV
Session Chairman: Yu.I.Bogdanov, Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
09.00 |
q3-01 |
Quantum computer without uncontrollable Coulomb interaction among space-based qubits. S. Filippov, V. Vyurkov. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia |
09.20 |
q3-02 |
Quantum information transfer protocol via optimized single-electron transport in semiconductor nanostructure. A.V. Tsukanov. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow, Russia |
09.40 |
q3-03 |
Outlook for the application of Ge/Si quantum dots in quantum calculations. A. Zinovieva1, A. Nenashev1, A. Dvurechenskii1, A.I. Nikiforov1, A. Lyubin1, L. Kulik2. 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2. Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russian Academy of Sciences Russia |
10.00 |
q3-04 |
The quantum dynamics of two coupled large spins. V.E. Zobov. L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, SB Russian Academy of Sciences,Krasnoyarsk, Russia |
10.20 |
q3-05 |
Can entanglement fluctuate? M. A. Yurishchev. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia |
Auditorium B
Session 17. Simulation and Modeling III
Session Chairman: Igor Abramov, Belarusian State University of Informatics & Radioelectronics, Belarus
9.00 |
O3-07 |
The influence of the suboxide layer structure on equivalent oxide thickness in nanoscale MIS-structure. N.A. Zaitsev, G.Ya Krasnikov, Matyushkin I.V. Micron Corp., Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia |
9.20 |
O3-08 |
Semi-analytical model of a field-effect transistor with an ultra-thin channel. A. Khomyakov, V. Vyurkov. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
9.40 |
O3-09 |
Impact of channel inhomogeneities on characteristics of a quantum field-effect transistor. V. Vyurkov, I. Semenikhin, V. Lukichev, A. Orlikovsky. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
10.00 |
O3-10 |
Bulk and Nanoribbon Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Modeling. G.I. Zebrev1, E.A. Zotkin1, А.А. Tselykovskiy1, E.V. Melnik1, V.O. Turin2 . 1. Micro- and Nanoelectronics Department, National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia, 2. Orel State Technical University, Orel, Russia |
10.20 |
O3-11 |
Electron optical spin polarization in broken-gap heterostructures. A. Zakharova1, K. A. Chao2, I. Semenikhin1. 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2. Department of Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, and Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden |
11.00 Coffee break
Conference hall
Session 18. Magnetic Micro- and Nanostructures
Session Chairman: Mikhail Chuev, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
11.30 |
O3-12 |
High-temperature magnetization and Mossbauer spectra of nanoparticles in a weak magnetic field. M. A. Chuev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. |
11.50 |
O3-13 |
Mossbauer study of nanomagnetics. V.I. Bachurin1, I.N. Zakharova1, M.A. Shipilin2, A.M. Shipilin3 . 1. Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. P.G.Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia, 3. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia |
12.10 |
O3-14 |
Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetoelastic demodulation in giant magnetostriction TbCo2/FeCo nanostructured thin film. A. Klimov1,2, Yu. Ignatov2, S. Nikitov2, N. Tiercelin1, V. Preobrazhensky1,3, P. Pernod1. 1. LEMAC–IEMN CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France 2. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE RAS),Moscow, Russia 3. Wave Research Center, A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia |
12.30 |
O3-15 |
Odd-even effects in magnetic nanostructures. V.V. Kostyuchenko. Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl, Russia |
12.50 |
O3-16 |
Magnetoresistance of multilayer ferromagnetic nanoparticles. S.N. Vdovichev, A.A. Fraerman, B.A. Gribkov, S.A. Gusev, A.Yu. Klimov, V.L. Mironov, V.V. Rogov. Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Science, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia |
Auditorium A
Session 19. Quantum Informatics V
Session Chairman: Yuri Ozhigov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
11.30 |
q3-06 |
Quantum cryptography system using phase-time coding and resistant to PNS attack. D.A. Kronberg1 , S.N. Molotkov1,2,3 1. Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 2. Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia. 3. Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia |
11.50 |
q3-07 |
Entanglement measure for multipartite pure states and its numerical calculation. A. Yu. Chernyavskiy. Institute of Physics & Technology of RAS (FTIAN), Moscow, Russia |
12.10 |
q3-08 |
Quantum Computing with Collective Ensembles of Multilevel Systems. E. Brion, K. Molmer, and M. Saffman. Laboratoire Aime Cotton (CNRS), Orsay, France |
12.30 |
q3-09 |
Spin-1/2 systems with simple two- and three-dimensional geometrical configurations: state transfer and entanglement between different nodes. S.I. Doronin, E.B. Fel’dman and A.I. Zenchuk Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow reg., Russia |
12.50 |
q3-10 |
Flux-qubit and the law of angular momentum conservation. A.V. Nikulov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences,Chernogolovka, Moscow District, Russia. |
Auditorium B
Session 20. Micro- and Nanostructures Characterization I
Session Chairman: Eduard Rau, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
11.30 |
O3-17 |
SEM Probe Defocusing Method of Measurement of Linear Sizes of Nanorelief Elements. M.N. Filippov1, Yu.A. Novikov2, A.V. Rakov3, P.A. Todua3. 1. N.S. Kurnakov General and Inorganic Chemistry Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2. A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 3. Center for Surface and Vacuum Research, Moscow, Russia |
11.50 |
O3-18 |
SEM Relief Structure Images with Trapezoid Profile and Big Inclination Angle of Side Walls in Back Scattered Electrons. M.N. Filippov1, Yu.A. Novikov2, A.V. Rakov3, P.A. Todua3. 1. N.S. Kurnakov General and Inorganic Chemistry Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2. A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 3. Center for Surface and Vacuum Research, Moscow, Russia |
12.10 |
O3-19 |
Combined electron-beam method of the diagnostic of microelectronic structures in scanning electron microscopy. F.A. Lukyanov1 , N.A. Orlikovsky2 , E.I. Rau3 , R.A. Sennov3. 1. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 2. Institute of Physic and Technology RAS, Moscow, Russia. 3. Institute of Microelectronics Technology RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia |
12.30 |
O3-20 |
Problems of AFM-investigations of open sandwich MIM-structures. E.S. Gorlachev, V.M. Mordvintsev, V.L. Levin. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia |
12.50 |
O3-21 |
Correct measurements of capacity using atomic force microscope. A.A. Chouprik, A.S. Baturin. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia |
13.20 Lunch
Conference hall
Session 21. Plasma Physics and Technologies
Session Chairman: Konstantin Rudenko, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
14.20 |
L3-01 |
INVITED: Problems of nano-sized and high aspect ratio features plasma etching. V. Lukichev1, K. Rudenko1, A. Orlikovsky1, V. Yunkin2. 1. Institute of Physics & Technology (FTIAN) 2. Institute of Microelectronics Technology,Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
14.50 |
O3-22 |
Modeling of plasma reactive ion etching of ultra high aspect ratio Si trenches. I.I.Amirov1, A.S.Shumilov1, A.N.Kupriynov1, V.F.Lukichev2 . 1. Institute RAS Yaroslavl branch of the Institute of Physics & Technology RAS, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2. Institute of Physics & Technology (FTIAN), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
15.10 |
O3-23 |
Plasma parameters and active particles kinetics in HBr dc glow discharges. A. Smirnov1,2, A. Efremov1, V. Svettsov1, A. Islyaykin2. 1. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Ivanovo, Russia, 2. Mikron JSC, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia |
15.30 |
O3-24 |
Mechanisms of film deposition from BCl3-based plasma during dry etching. D. Shamiryan1 , A.M. Efremov2 , V. Serlenga3 , M.R. Baklanov1, W. Boullart1. 1. IMEC, Leuven, Belgium 2. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo, Russia 3. Instituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, Italy |
15.50 |
O3-25 |
Excitation Mechanism of the B+ Emission Line at 345.1 nm in Low-Temperature Plasma. V.P. Kudrya. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
Auditorium A
Session 22. Quantum Informatics VI
Session Chairman: Yuri Ozhigov, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
14.20 |
q3-11 |
Implementation of the quantum order-finding algorithm by adiabatic evolution of two qubits. A.S. Ermilov, V.E. Zobov. L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Russia |
14.40 |
q3-12 |
NMR Saturation and Entanglement in Solids. M. Kutcherov. Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia |
15.00 |
q3-13 |
Quantum Scattering on Dypole Potential in Adiabatic Approximation. K.S. Arakelov. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
15.20 |
16.20 |
Round Table Discussion: Quantum Systems in Computer Simulation |
Auditorium B
Session 23. Micro- and Nanostructures Characterization II
Session Chairman: Mikhail Chuev, Institute of Physics &Technology RAS, Russia
14.20 |
O3-26 |
De-processing technologies for modern VLSI based on grazing incident ion beams. A.F. Vyatkin. Institute of Microelectronics Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia |
14.40 |
O3-27 |
Development of computer methods for multi nano-layer parameters measurements by X-Ray reflectometry. N.N. Gerasimenko1, D.A. Kartashov2, A.G. Turyansky3 . 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia, 2. JSC Mikron, Moscow, Zelenograd, Russia, 3.LPI, Moscow, Russia |
15.00 |
O3-28 |
Experimental scheme for observation of anomalous Kossel effect in semiconductor structures. P.G. Medvedev, M.A. Chuev. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
15.20 |
O3-29 |
Structural Investigation of Magnetic Digital Alloys. I.A. Subbotin1, M.A. Chuev2, V.V. Kvardakov1, I.A. Likhachev1, E.M. Pashaev1. 1. Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia. 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
15.40 |
O3-30 |
Spectroscopic and scanning ellipsometry for investigation of surfaces, thin films and nanolayers. V. Tolmachev1, T. Zvonareva1, L. Portzel1, V. Kudoyarova1, T. Perova2, V. Shvets3, S. Rykhlitskii3 1. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia 2. Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland, 3. Semiconductor Physics Institute SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
16.00 |
O3-31 |
Temperature of one-side polished silicon wafer at different position relatively incoherent radiance source. V.I. Rudakov, V.V. Ovcharov, V.P. Prigara. Yaroslavl Branch of Institute of Physics and Technology RAS |
16.30 Coffee break
16.45 Entresol. POSTER SESSION II
Bottom hall. EXHIBITION
А.А. Orlikovsky, Chair of Organizing Committee ICMNE-2009,
Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Friday, October 9th, 2009
09.00 Breakfast