(Final Edition)
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ICMNE-2007 Oral Presentations
ICMNE-2007 Posters
ICMNE-2007 Delayed Posters
QI-2007 Oral Presentations
October 3th. 2007
Poster session I |
Sub-100 nm Lithography |
P1 – 01
A plane wave diffraction on a pin-hole in a film with a finite thickness and real electrodynamic properties. N. Chkhalo, I. Dorofeyev, N. Salashchenko, M. Toropov . Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nyzhny Novgorod , Russia
P1 – 02
A new source of a reference spherical wave for a point diffraction interferometer. N. Chkhalo, A. Klimov, D. Raskin, V. Rogov, N. Salashchenko. Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nyzhny Novgorod , Russia
P1 – 03
Correction of the EUV mirror substrate shape by ion beam. N. Chkhalo, L. Paramonov, A. Pestov, D. Raskin, N. Salashchenko. Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nyzhny Novgorod , Russia
P1 – 04
Investigation of fluorescence on wavelength 13.5 nm of x-ray tube for nanolithograther. N. Chkhalo, I. Zabrodin, I. Kas’kov, E. Kluenkov, A. Pestov, N. Salashchenko. Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nyzhny Novgorod , Russia
P1 – 05
Well-ordered nanostructures fabricated using nanosphere lithography. A.A. Grunin, V.V. Moskalenko, I.V. Soboleva, A.A. Ezhov and A.A. Fedyanin. Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia
P1 – 06
Mask Image Formation by Electron Beam Deposition from Vapour Phase. M.A. Bruk 1 , E.N. Zhikharev 2 , S.L. Shevchuk 2 , I.A. Volegova 1 , A.V. Spirin 1 , E.N. Teleshov 1 , V.A. Kalnov 2 , Yu.P. Maishev 2 . 1. Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow , Russia . 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia
Nanodevices and Nanostructures |
P1 – 07
Electron Transition Along а n Atomic Chain. K.K. Satarin, I.K. Gainullin, I.F. Urazgildin. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Department of Physics, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 08
One-Dimentional Heterojunctions with Oriented Carbon Layers. N.D. Novikov, M.B. Guseva, V.G. Babaev, V.V. Khvostov. Department of Physics, Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia
P1 – 09
Ultrafast particle probability transfer in quantum chains. A.A. Gorbatsevich, M.A. Panteleev . Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology ( Technical University ), Moscow , Russia
P1 – 10
Correlation mechanism of negative differential resistance in molecular wire. Yu. B. Kudasov. Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod region, Russia
P1 – 11
Effects of spatial reproduction at the interference of the electron waves in semiconductor 1D nanostructures with parabolic quantum wells. V.A. Petrov PP PP , A.V. Nikitin. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 12
Macroscopic quantum oscillator in a two-dimensional conductor. I. Zhilyaev. Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High-Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region , Russia
P1 – 13
The Bohr’s quantization in nanostructures. A.V. Nikulov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow District , Russia
P1 – 14
Non-volatile electrically reprogrammable memory matrix on self-forming conducting nanostructures with an integrated transistor electric decoupling of cells. V. Mordvintsev, S. Kudryavtsev V. Levin, L. Tsvetkova. Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Yaroslavl , Russia
P1 – 15
Intersubband optical transitions in InAs/GaSb broken-gap quantum wells. I. Semenikhin 1 , A. Zakharova 1 , K. Nilsson 2 , K. A. Chao 2 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow , Russia 2 . Department of Physics, Lund University , Sweden
P1 – 16
Plasma oscillations in two-dimensional electron-hole systems. S.A. Moskalenko 1 , M.A. Liberman 2 , E.V. Dumanov 1 , A.G. Stefan 1 and M.I. Shmiglyuk 1 . 1. Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova , Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2. Departmant of Physics, Uppsala University , Uppsala , Sweden
P1 – 17
On the melting and crystallization of n -dimensional nanostructures. M. N. Magomedov. Institute for Geothermal Problems, Daghestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Makhachkala , Russia
Photonics and Optoelectronics |
P1 – 18
Two-dimentional photonic crystals for creating Mach-Zehnder micro-interferometers. A.V. Chetvertukhin 1 , A.A. Ezhov 1 , A.V. Shobukhov 2 , E.D. Mishina 3 , A.A. Zaitsev 3 , A.S. Sigov 3 , A.A. Fedyanin 1 . 1.Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia . 2.Faculty of Comp. Math. & Cyber., Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia . 3.Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 19
Optical properties of subwavelength metal nanostructures. E. Virchenko, A. Zaitsev, V. Valdner. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering Electronics and Automation, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 20
Plasmonic Chiral Nanostructures with Extraordinary Optical Transmission. M.R. Shcherbakov 1 , P.P. Vabishchevich 1 , A.A. Zaitsev 2 , A.S. Sigov 2 , V.O. Valdner 2 , A.A. Fedyanin 1 . 1. Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia . 2. Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 21
Surface electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional photonic crystals. E.M. Murchikova , M.D. Khokhlova, I.V. Soboleva and A.A. Fedyanin. Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow
P1 – 22
Symmetric Difference Scheme for Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Modeling. A.V. Shobukhov 1 , A.A. Fedyanin 2 . 1. Faculty of Comp. Math. & Cyber., Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia . 2. Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia
P1 – 23
Micro-scale domain structure formation by e-beam point writing on the Y cut surfaces of LiTaO 3 crystals. L.S.Kokhanchik , D.V.Punegov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Siences , Chernogolovka , Russia
P1 – 24
Single Photon Current Impulses Statistics of the Small Square Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes in Geiger’s Mode. I.V. Vanyushin 2 , A.V. Verhovtseva 2 , A.V. Gergel’ 1 , N.M. Gorshkova 1 , V.M. Gontar` 2 , V.A. Zimoglyad 2 , Yu.I. Tishin 2 1. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , Russia.2. LCC “Unique IC`s”, Moscow Russia
P1 – 25
Silicon avalanche photodiodes for particle detection. I.B. Chistokhin 1 , O.P. Pchelyakov 1 , E.G. Tishkovsky 1 , V.I. Obodnikov 1 , V.V. Maksimov 2 , A.A. Ivanov 2 , E. Gramch 3 . 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Novosibirsk , Russia . 2. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk , Russi . 3. Dept. Fisica, Universidad de Santiago, Santiago, Chile
P1 – 26
Electro-optical optimization of p-contact to raise efficiency of light -emitting diodes. S. Shapoval, M.Yu. Barabanenkov, V. Sirotkin, L. Saptsova, A. Kovalchuk, V. Zemlyakov * , N. Antonova * , A. Tsasulnikov † , W. Lundin † , E. Zavarin † , A. Sakharov † , V. Ustinov † . Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka , Russia . * R&D Corporation “Istok”, Fryazino, Moscow region, Russia . † Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS, St. Petersburg , Russia
Devices and ICs |
P1 – 27
Radiation Induced Leakage Due to Stochastic Charge Trapping in Isolation Layers of Nanoscale MOSFETs. G.I. Zebrev, M. S. Gorbunov, V. S. Pershenkov . Department of Microelectronics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia
P1 – 28
Role of Parasitic Bipolar Effect in Modern Partially Depleted SOI CMOS Technologies. V.E. Shunkov 1 , M.S. Gorbunov 1 , G.I. Zebrev 1 , B.V. Vasilegin 2 . 1. Department of Microelectronics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia 2. Science Research Institute for System Study, Russian Academy of Science , Moscow , Russia
P1 – 29
Accelerator Based Facility for Characterization of Single Event Upsets (SEU) and Latchups (SEL) in Digital Electronic Components. V.S. Anashin 1 , V.V. Emelyanov 2 , G.I. Zebrev 3 , I.O. Ishutin 1,3 , N.V. Kuznetsov 4 , B.Yu. Sharkov 5 , Yu.A. Titarenko 5 , V.F. Batyaev 5 , S.P. Borovlev 5 1. SpaceDevice Engineeing Institute, Federal Space Agency, Moscow , Russia . 2. Research Institute of Scientific Instruments, Lytkarino , Russia . 3. Department of Microelectronics, Moscow Engneering Physics Institute, Russia . 4. Institute of Nuclear Physics , Moscow State University , Russia . 5. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 30
5W/mm Gallium Nitride Power HEMT. A. Vasiliev, A. Dorofeev, Yu. Kolkovsky, V. Minnebaev. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Scientific & Product Enterprise “Pulsar”, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 31
Research of the disbalance mechanism of dual collector lateral bipolar magnetotransistor. R.D. Tikhonov 1 , S.A. Polomoshnov 1 , A.V. Kozlov 2 , A.Ju. Krasukov 2 . 1. SMC “Technological Centre” MIEE, Moscow , Zelenograd , Russia . 2. MIET, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 32
The analysis of mismatch of physical and technical parameters of semiconductor devices. N. Zaitsev 1 , Y. Brukhova 1 . 1. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Technical University , Moscow , Russia
P1 – 33
High Efficiency Carbon Fiber Cold Cathode . Babaev V.G., Khvostov V.V., Guseva M.B., Savchenko N.F., Belokoneva Yu.G. Department of Physics, Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia
P1 – 34
Multicathode vacuum nanotriode as possible switch for integrated circuits of vacuum nanoelectronics. V.A. Zhukov . Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russian Academy of Sciences , St. Petersburg , Russia
P1 – 35
Portable fuel cells with micro channel silicon application. V.V. Grinko, N.V. Lapin, A.F. Vyatkin. Institute of Microelectronics Technology RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow District , Russia
P1 – 36
Technology covering solder past with high resolution. Soldering defects. Timoshenkov S.P., Antonov М.А., Seregin А.V. Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow , Russia
Thin Films and Nanostructure Technologies I |
P1 – 37
Molecular-beam epitaxy of ultrathin Si films on sapphire. Pavlov D.A., Shilyaev P.A., Korotkov E.V., Treushnikov M.V. University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
P1 – 38
Research and development of technological processes of silicon on insulator structures manufacturing. V. Kalugin, S. Timoshenkov, Yu. Chaplygin. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology ( Technical University ), Moscow , Russia
P1 – 39
Laser Plasma Deposition of thin ZnO films, doped by nitrogen. O.A. Novodvorsky 1 , V.Ya. Panchenko 1 , O.D. Khramova 1 , L.S. Gorbatenko 1 , Ye.A. Cherebilo 1 , G.A. Batishev 1 , C. Wenzel 2 , J.W. Bartha 2 , H. Hiemann 2 , V.T. Bublik 3 , K.D. Chtcherbatchev 3 . 1 Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences , Shatura, Moscow Region , Russia . 2 Institute of Semiconductor and Microsystems Technology, University of Technology , Dresden , Germany . 3 Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (TU), Moscow , Russia
P1 – 40
TEM Study of BST Thin Films. O. Zhigalina 1 , K. Vorotilov 2 , A. Sigov 2 , I. Androsov 2 . 1. Institute of Crystallography , RAS, Moscow , Russia . 2. State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation ( Technical University ), Moscow , Russia
P1 – 41
Films with Regulated Optical and Electrophysical Parameters. A. Akinin 1 ,V. Chernokogin 1 ,Y. Kontsevoy 1 , E. Mitrofanov 2 , V. Pheophilaktov 1 , S. Simakin 2 . 1. Federal State Unitary Enterprise ‘SPE ‘Pulsar’, Moscow , Russia . 2. Federal State Unitary Enterprise ‘Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Technique named after S.A.Vekshinsky’, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 42
Technology of Multilayer Metallic Thin Films Formation by Electrochemical Deposition Method . E.Yu. Buchin, E.V. Vaganova, A.V. Prokaznikov . Institute of Physics & Technology RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl , Russia
P1 – 43
Studying of the structure of chemical bonds of matrix diamond-like silicon-carbon nanocomposites. A.M. Dodonov, E.A. Skryleva, I.V. Gontar, M.D. Malinkovich, Y.N. Parkhomenko, M.L. Shupegin, A.P. Smirnov. Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Technological university), Moscow , Russia
P1 – 44
T he method of thin metal films adhesion increasing for the lowered dimensions structures. N.L. Kazansky 1 , V.A. Kolpakov 2 , V.D. Paranin 2 , M.S. Polikarpov 2 . 1. Image Processing Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Samara , Russia . 2. Samara State Aerospace University named after S.P. Korolyov, Samara, Russia
P1 – 45
Influence of vacancy clusters on the adhesion properties of interfaces. R. Goldstein 1 , T. Makhviladze 2 , M. Sarychev 2 . 1. Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Russia 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Russia
P1 – 46
Influence of nanoobjects ( porous and inclusions ) on properties of interfaces of the bonding silicon wafers used for manufacturing of multilayered structures and mems. 1 Timoshenkov S.P., 1 Britkov O.M., 2 Grafutin V.I., 2 Funtikov Yu.V., 1 Kalugin V.V., 1,2 Svetlov-Prokop’ev E.P., 1 Zaluzhnyi A.G. 1 Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia. 2 «State Science Centre of the Russian Federation – A.I.Alikhanov Institute for theoretical and experimental physics» , Moscow , Russia
Superconducting Structures |
P1 – 47
Epitaxial growth of YBCO thin films with unusual orientation. P.B. Mozhaev 1 , J.E. Mozhaeva 1 , J. Bindslev Hansen 2 , C.S. Jacobsen 2 , I.M. Kotelyanskii 3 , V.A. Lusanov 3 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Moscow , Russia . 2. Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark , Lyngby , Denmark . 3. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 48
About possibility of use of tunnel junctions as sensors of current states of mesoscopic superconducting structure. I. Zhilyaev. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region , Russia
P1 – 49
Consistent microscopic theory for kinetic – inductance detectors. A.Semenov 1 , I. Devyatov 2 . 1. Moscow Pedagogical State University , Moscow , Russia . 2. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobelitsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 50
Single Flux Quantum Pulse Amplifier. V. K. Kornev 1 , I. I. Soloviev 1 , N. V. Klenov 1 , and O. A. Mukhanov 2 . 1. Department of Physics, Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia . 2. HYPRES, Inc., Elmsford , NY , USA
Defects and Impurities in Semiconductors |
P1 – 51
SIMS application for manganese clusters detection in silicon. A. Trifonov, V. Saraykin. Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems named after F.V.Lukin, Moscow , Russia
P1 – 52
An application of gold diffusion for defect structure characterization in silicon. O.V. Feklisova, E.B. Yakimov. Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS, Chernogolovka , Russia
P1 – 53
The electric field stratification in silicon doped by transition metal. V.V. Privezentsev. Institute of Physics & Technology, Russian Academy of Science , Moscow , Russia
October 4th. 2007
Poster session II |
Defects and Impurities in Semiconductors |
P2 – 01
Low voltage ultra compact focused ion beam (FIB) column for resolution of 1.5?2 nm. Numerical simulation and prospects. V.A. Zhukov 1 , A.I. Titov 2 . 1. Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russian Academy of Sciences , St. Petersburg , Russia . 2. St. Petersburg State Technical University , St. Petersburg , Russia
P2 – 02
PRIVET – Simulator Single Event Upset Rate in Digital Memory Cells Induced by Heavy Ions of Space Environments. G.I. Zebrev 1 , I. Ishutin 2 , V.S. Anashin 2 . 1. Department of Microelectronics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia . 2. Space Device Engineering Institute (NIIKP), Federal Space Agency, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 03
Monte Carlo study of influence of channel length and depth on electron transport in SOI MOSFETs. O. Zhevnyak, V. Borzdov, A. Borzdov, D. Pozdnyakov, F.F. Komarov. Belarus State University , Minsk , Belarus
P2 – 04
Temperature effect on electron transport in conventional short channel MOSFETs: Monte Carlo simulation. O. Zhevnyak. Belarus State University , Minsk , Belarus
P2 – 05
The numerical modeling and the area optimization of the power DMOSFET. E. Artamonova, A. Balashov, A. Kluchnikov, A. Krasukov, A. Shvetz. Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 06
Analytical models of field effect transistors with thin channel. A. Khomyakov 1,2 and V. Vyurkov 2 . 1. Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automatics ( Technical University ), Moscow , Russia . 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia
P2 – 07
Modeling of Powerful GaAs MESFET. A. Shestakov, A. Myasnikov, K. Zhuravlev. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Novosibirsk , Russia
P2 – 08
Modeling of Vertical Transistor with Electrically Variable Junctions in ISE TCAD. D.G. Drozdov 2 , I.A. Horin 1 , A.E. Rogozhin 1 , A.G. Vasiliev 1,3 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Moscow , Russia . 2. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (TU), Moscow , Russia . 3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “SPE Pulsar”, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 09
Nanoscale surface topography dynamics during ion beam sputtering. A. Rudy, S. Kaschenko. Yaroslavl State University , Yaroslavl , Russia
P2 – 10
A new model for the copper CMP kinetics. R. Goldstein 1 , T. Makhviladze 2 , M. Sarychev 3 . 1. Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Russia . 2. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Russia
P2 – 11
Calculation of fast electrons distribution function in diamond film. A. Kozlitin, V. Zheleznov. F.V.Lukin Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 12
Influence of a spin environment on ESR spectra of a two-spin system. V.V. Privezentsev. Institute of Physics &Technology, RAS, Moscow , Russia
Magnetic Micro- and Nanostructures |
P2 – 13
System approach to experimental research of ferroelectric electrophysical properties. Ye. A. Pecherskaya. Penza State University , Penza , Russia |
P2 – 14
Magnetic force microscopy investigations of multilayer submicron ferromagnetic particles. A.A. Fraerman, B.A. Gribkov , S.A. Gusev, A.Yu. Klimov, V.L. Mironov, V.V. Rogov, S.N. Vdovichev. Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod , Russia
P2 – 15
Epitaxial Fe films and nanostructures for magnetoelectronics. I.V. Malikov, L.A. Fomin, V.Yu. Vinnichenko, G.M. Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronic Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka , Russia
P2 – 16
Magnetic anisotropy of thin films ion-beam synthesized in silicon at applied magnetic field. G.G. Gumarov 1,2 , V.Yu. Petukhov 1,2 , N.G. Ivoilov 2 , E.N. Dulov 2 , V.A. Zhikharev 3 . 1. Laboratory of Radiation Chemistry and Radiobiology, Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Kazan , Russia . 2. Physics Faculty, Kazan State University , Kazan , Russia . 3. Kazan State Technology University , Kazan , Russia
P2 – 17
Ма gnetic structure and magnetoresistance of epitaxial iron microstructures: effects of shape and easy axis of magnetization. L.A. Fomin, I.V. Malikov, V.Yu. Vinnichenko, G.M. Mikhailov. Institute of Microelectronic Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka , Russia
P2 – 18
Structure and electromagnetic properties of FeNi films obtained with ion plasma deposition. Bochkarev V.F., Naumov V.V., Goryachev A.A. Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl , Russia
P2 – 19
Structural and optical properties of Si/ b -FeSi 2 /Si heterostructures fabricated by Fe ion implantation and Si MBE. R.I. Batalov 1 , R.M. Bayazitov 1 , N.G. Galkin 2 , E.A. Chusovitin 2 , D.L. Goroshko 2 , T.S. Shamirzaev 3 , K.S. Zhuravlev 3 . 1. Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Kazan , Russia . 2. Institute for Automation and Control Processes of FEB RAS, Vladivostok , Russia . 3. Institute of Semiconductor Physics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk , Russia
P2 – 20
Magnetostriction of an obliquely magnetized ferromagnetic film. L. Fetisov, S. Danilichev, S. Lebedev, G. Srinivasan. Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 21
Investigation of re-switching properties of ferromagnetic contacts in Py/Mo microstructures. Vinnichenko V.Yu., Chernykh A.V., Fomin L.A. , Mikhailov G.M.. Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka, Moscow Region , Russia
P2 – 22
Polarization switching in epitaxial multiferroic Nd:BiFeO 3 films. M. Kouznetsov 1 , T. Ustyujanin 1 , V. Muhortov 2 . 1. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering Electronics and Automation, Moscow , Russia . 2. South Science Centre of RAS, Rostov-on-Don , Russia
Thin Films and Nanostructures Technologies II |
P2 – 23
Creation of nanometer gaps between thin-film metal electrodes by the method of electromigration. A.N. Kuturov, A.S. Stepanov, E.S. Soldatov. Department of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Russia
P2 – 24
Formation of thin ZrO 2 layers for nanotransistor gate structures by electron beam evaporation. D.G. Drozdov 2 , V.B. Kopylov 1 , I.A. Khorin 1,2 , A.A. Orlikovsky 1 , A.E. Rogozhin 1 , A.G. Vasiliev 1,3 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Moscow , Russia 2. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation ( Technical University ), Moscow , Russia . 3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “SPE Pulsar”, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 25
Formation of TiN/CoSi 2 bilayer from Co/Ti/Si structure in a non-isothermal reactor. V. Rudakov, V. Gusev. Institute of physics & technology RAS, Yaroslavl branch, Russia
P2 – 26
Features of evolution of implanted profiles during RTA in non-isothermal reactor. V. Rudakov, A. Victorov, Yu. Denisenko, B. Mochalov, V. Ovcharov. Institute of physics & technology RAS, Yaroslavl branch, Russia
P2 – 27
Deposition process kinetics and structure of SiGe films obtained by LPCVD. Nalivaiko 1 O.Y., Turtsevich 1 A.S., Plebanovich 1 V.I., Gaiduk 2 P.I. 1. RPC “Integral”, Minsk , Republic of Belarus . 2. Belorussian State University , Minsk , Republic of Belarus
P2 – 28
Buried layers of a silicate glasses and opportunities of their practical use. S. Krivelevich, M. Gryazev. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl , Russia
P2 – 29
Ion-Beam Synthesis of Buried Lead-Silicate Layers in Silicon. Buchin Ed.Yu. , Denisenko Yu.I., Simakin S.G. Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl , Russia
P2 – 30
Pulsed laser deposition of layers and nanostructures based on cadmium telluride and bismuth. A. Yeremyan, H. Avetisyan, K. Avjyan, G. Vardanyan, A. Khachatryan . Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Armenia , Ashtarak , Armenia
Plasma Technologies and Diagnostics |
P2 – 31
Effect of quartz window temperature on plasma composition during STI etch. E. Danilkin 1 ,2,3 , D. Shamiryan 1 , M.R. Baklanov 1 , W. Boullart 1 , G.Y. Krasnikov 2 , N.A. Shelepin 2 , O.P. Gutshin 2 , A.I. Mochalov 3 . 1. IMEC vzw, Heverlee, Belgium . 2. MIKRON, Moscow , Russia . 3. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 32
Recombination kinetics of Cl atoms in Cl 2 /X (X = Ar, N 2 , O 2 , H 2 ) plasmas. D. Sitanov, A. Efremov, V. Svettsov. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry & Technology, Ivanovo , Russia .
P2 – 33
An End Point Detection Method on the Base of Induced Current and an Automatic Control Device for an Ion Etching System. S.B. Simakin 1 , G.D. Kuznetsov 2 , E.A. Mitrofanov 1 . 1. The State Federal Unitary Firm “ S.A. Vekshinsky Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Technique”;2. Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys ( Technical University ), Moscow , Russia
P2 – 34
Pilot Etcher and Bosh Process for Deep Anisotropic MEMS & NEMS Etching. S.N. Averkin 1 , I.I. Amirov 2 , K.V. Rudenko 1 , I.A. Tyurin 1 , A.A. Rylov 1 , Yu.P. Baryshev 1 , V.F. Lukichev 1 , and A.A. Orlikovsky 1 . 1. Institute of Physics and Technology RAS, Moscow , Russia . 2. Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, Yaroslavl , Russia
P2 – 35
In situ Bosch Si trenches etching depth control with laser interferometer. O.V. Morozov, A.V. Postnikov, A.N. Kuprijanov. Institute Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl , Russia |
P2 – 36
Formation of IV-VI semiconductor nanohillocks using Ar inductively coupled plasma. S.P. Zimin 1 , E.S. Gorlachev 1 , I.I. Amirov 2 . 1. Yaroslavl State University , Yaroslavl , Russia . 2. Institute Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl , Russia |
P2 – 37
Measurement of atomic hydrogen flow density during GaAs surface cleaning. V.A. Kagadei, E.V. Nefyodtev, D.I. Proskurovski, and S.V. Romanenko. High Current Electronics Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science , Tomsk , Russia
P2 – 38
Ionized metal PVD with a hollow cathode magnetron. N. Poluektov, V. Kharchenko, I. Kamyschov, Yu. Tsar’gorodsev. Moscow State Forestry University , Mytischi, Moscow Region , Russia
P2 – 39
Low Pressure Radio-Frequency Plasmas in the Nanolayers Formation Processes on the Surface of Construction Materials. I.Sh. Abdullin 1 , V.S. Zheltukhin 2 , I.R. Sagbiev 1 , R.F. Sharafeev 1 . 1. Kazan State Technological University, Kazan , Russia . 2. Kazan State University , Kazan , Russia
Micro- and Nanostructure Characterization |
P2 – 40
Dynamical diffraction of femtosecond X-ray pulses by deformed crystals. T. Chen. Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 41
The investigation and development of the test structures for scanning probe microscopy. A. Belov, S. Gavrilov, A. Tihomirov, Yu. Chaplygin and V. Shevyakov. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology ( Technical University ) , Moscow , Russia |
P2 – 42
Conception of “virtual microscope” and its application in nanometrology. А . Zablotskiy 1 , А . Baturin 1 , V. Bormashov 1 , R. Kadushnikov 2 , N. Shturkin 2 . 1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ( State University ), Moscow , Russia . 2 Company “ SIAMS ”, Ekaterinburg , Russia |
P2 – 43
Possibilities of research of porous systems and nanomaterials by method of positron annihilation spectroscopy. 1 Grafutin V.I., 1 Funtikov Yu.V., 2 Kalugin V.V., 2 Nevolin V.K., 1,2 Svetlov-Prokop’ev E.P., 2 Timoshenkov S.P., 1 Zaluzhnyi A.G. 1 .«State Science Centre of the Russian Federation – A.I.Alikhanov Institute for theoretical and experimental physics» , Moscow , Russia . 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology ( Technical University ), Zelenograd, Moscow , Russia
P2 – 44
Fourier transform spectroscopy of pulse signals for the performance investigations of logical elements produced on quantum-well structures. E.V. Glazyrin, I.P. Kazakov, A.L. Karuzskiy, O.A. Klimenco , Yu.A. Mityagin, V.N. Murzin, A.V. Perestronin, A.M. Tskhovrebov. P.N. Lebedev’s Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia |
P2 – 45
Capabilities of microinterferometer with digital recording of images for study micro objects with sub nanometer resolution. N. Chkhalo, D. Raskin, N. Salashchenko. Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nyzhny Novgorod , Russia |
P2 – 46
Application of high resolution computerized white light interferometry for characterization of MEMS structures. G. Malovichko, V. Kal’nov, K. Rudenko. Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia
P2 – 47
New approach in the determination of the dependency of surface charge density on semiconductor surface potential based on voltage–capacity analysis of the depletion region of MIS-structures. G.V. Chucheva * , A.G. Zhdan. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia
P2 – 48
Experimental determination of the potential profile in the insulating layers on the basis of current-voltage characteristics of tunneling MOS diodes. E. Goldman, A. Zhdan, N. Kukharskaya. The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino, Moscow Region , Russia
P2 – 49
Investigation of CMOS transistor layers produced using salicide technology by SIMS and AES methods. E. Kirilenko 1 , E. Kouznetsov 2 , A. Kozlitin 1 , E. Rybachek 2 , A.Trifonov 1 . 1. F.V.Lukin Scientific Research Institute of Physical Problems, Moscow , Russia ; 2. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Research manufacturing complex « Technological Center»
P2 – 50
Deposition process and analysis of SiON thin films obtained by RF magnetron sputtering of silica in the nitrogen ambient. M. Yudichev, S. Shevchuk, Y. Maishev. Insitute of Physics & Technology of RAS (FTIAN), Moscow , Russia |
P2 – 51
Synthesis and characterization of Fe 3 Si/MgO structures for spintronics. A. Goikhman 1 , N. Barantsev 1 , Y. Lebedinskii 1 , A. Zenkevich 1 , V. Nevolin 1 , R. Mantovan 2 , M. Georgieva 2 and M. Fanciulli 2 . 1 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute , Moscow , Russia. 2 Laboratorio Nazionale MDM CNR-INFM, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy |
P2 – 52
Formation of nanosize structures based on iron and cobalt in porous silicon. V.M. Kashkarov, A.S. Lenshin, A.E. Popov, B.L. Agapov. Voronezh State University , Universitetskaya pl. 1, 394006 Voronezh , Russia |
P2 – 53
Features of porous anodic titania formation. A.Belov, A.Dronov and M.Nazarkin. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology ( Technical University ), Russia |
P2 – 54
Diagnostics of magnetic micro- and nanoparticles in optical tweezers. A. Zhdanov, I. Soboleva, A. Fedyanin. Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow , Russia |
Delayed Posters |
D1 – 01
Effect of gamma-irradiation on reliability and operation characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. A.E. Belyaev 1 , R.V. Konakova 1 , S.A. Vitusevich 2 , B.A. Danilchenko 3 , N.S. Boltovets 4 , Yu.N. Sveshnikov 5 , Z. Bougrioua 6 . 1. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , Kiev , Ukraine . 2. Institut fur Bio- und Nanosysteme and CNI – Center of Nanoelectronic Systems for Information Technology, Forschungszentrum Julich, Julich , Germany . 3. I nstitute of Physics , National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , Kiev , Ukraine . 4. State Enterprise Research Institute “Orion”, Kiev , Ukraine . 5. Close Corporation “Elma-Malakhit”, Zelenograd , Russia . 6. Centre de Recherche sur l’Heteroepitaxie et ses Applications, CNRS, Valbonne, France